It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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KetobaK: I understand, I don't see the point in hiding the installer, hope they decide to change it.
Yep that's exactly what I want them to do, nothing more! Stop hiding download button and resort to requesting all Linux or mobile phone users to contacting Customer Support each time they want download link, that's just dumb. But that's what they want us all to do! Want to download GOG Galaxey while you are on mobile, tablet, or Linux? Ask Customer Support and wait 3 days for reply, to give you one-time only download link! Dumb.
Post edited September 03, 2022 by lenny3
If worse comes to worse i can supply a galaxy installer via if you'd like. It's only 200 something megs.

But realize, i have no clue how well it will work on Wine...
Post edited September 03, 2022 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: If worse comes to worse i can supply a galaxy installer via if you'd like. It's only 200 something megs.

But realize, i have no clue how well it will work on Wine...
Thank you!
Customer Rep has given me link to current latest version of Galaxy. It works now and I've included it in one of earlier posts I think. But this link may not work once new Galaxy is out.
I really don't understand why CD Projekt is trying to be so smart about detecting browser user agent, and block downloads, this is only a burden and no real gain from it.
rtcvb32: If worse comes to worse i can supply a galaxy installer via if you'd like. It's only 200 something megs.

But realize, i have no clue how well it will work on Wine...
lenny3: Thank you!
Customer Rep has given me link to current latest version of Galaxy. It works now and I've included it in one of earlier posts I think. But this link may not work once new Galaxy is out.
I really don't understand why CD Projekt is trying to be so smart about detecting browser user agent, and block downloads, this is only a burden and no real gain from it.
You can always get the link to latest version from here

Here's what I use to download the latest version when needed

wget $(wget --quiet "" -O - | sed -e 's;\\;;g' -e 's;.*path=/\(.*exe\).*;\1;')
Post edited September 03, 2022 by Sude
lenny3: I really don't understand why CD Projekt is trying to be so smart about detecting browser user agent, and block downloads, this is only a burden and no real gain from it.
I'd think it's them planning to have galaxy on the major platforms, but haven't gotten the windows one far enough where it's worth porting.

And porting should just be a handful of libraries and changes for the GUI, little more.

Also if 90%+ of the userbase uses windows, well going for the majority will win you more than the minority.
heroic game launcher is way better anyway for our linux usage.
Timboli: OP - While I don't agree with GOG automatically hiding the link based on OS, it is not a straight forward link anyway, and GOG have stated they don't support Linux, and so I guess they are just making that abundantly clearer.

If you want to download the many Linux variants of games they do provide as a bonus, then you are on your own, Linux Community and developers aside. It would be even more so with Galaxy, which is not meant to be used on Linux, despite ways around that.

But as I said, OS should not matter. I might be wanting to download Galaxy etc while using Linux, to later install on Windows. I could be on Android too, wanting to do the same thing ... or even on a MAC.

Perhaps the important question, is why isn't the download link a straight forward one?
It's not like Galaxy is some game file that needs protecting.

On the bottom right of every Forum page, I see the big purple button (link) to Download GOG Galaxy for Windows, and the link has some stupid 'payload' text tacked on the end. What the hell for?

Does that purple button (link) exist in the browser of those using Linux?
Does it show modified text for those using a MAC?

FrostburnPhoenix: Go to your library. Select a game. Set system dropdown to windows. Press the big blue button.
Timboli: Doesn't that just download and install Galaxy, with a parameter for the game or game file?
Or does it download the Galaxy installer and then query the user to run it?
Been a while since I used the BIG BLUE button.

P.S. Of course, it may also check what version of Galaxy is currently installed, so bypass downloading Galaxy altogether, just execute the installed version of Galaxy with the game/file parameter.
It's kind of weird that gog is supposed to be about drm free but only supports an OS that is drm like windows.
Truth007: It's kind of weird that gog is supposed to be about drm free but only supports an OS that is drm like windows.
Not really, as it started off just being about games, and certainly back then the only real OS for gaming was Windows, and still remains such in a very big way. Linux whether they we like the fact or not, is still very niche, though in a much better space now than it was.
lenny3: ...they expect EVERYONE to ask Customer Support for current download link.
I think they expect Linux users won't ask. Paladin has the right idea in his post.
lenny3: ...they expect EVERYONE to ask Customer Support for current download link.
DoomSooth: I think they expect Linux users won't ask. Paladin has the right idea in his post.
Simple troll fix: post only the Win64 binaries on github, list dependencies including "Telemetry.dll" :)
Let me explain you, how it works in a capitalist* company.

Writing special checks like that needs time from webdev. That means, it needs extra money from gog.

On one plate - this extra money from gog. Lets call it A.
On other plate - X.

If A costs more than X, no A will be done.
If X costs more, A will be done.

So what is X? Think, what happens if a generic user downloads Galaxy and starts it on Linux. I think, too much tickets. Think why too much? I think, understaffed. But its is my speculation, maybe they have lots of money and desided to troll linux users. This version is not logical at all, but stupidly fun neverless. My speculation, not so much.

* nothing offensive, it is, what it is.
I doubt this is really related to support. If the Linux users are few enough that it is not worth doing a Linux build of Galaxy, I don't see how these couple users could overwhelm GOG support with Galaxy-related requests.

It is most likely some basic check to display the correct download link based on the Web browser user agent, falling back on no link shown when the OS you are on is not part of the supported ones. To me it sounds like they forgot to put access to all download links as an extra option, and do not think it is worth adding it now. No malice here, only poor design choices.
They probably won't see much extra money, if any, from a Linux version of Galaxy but they should definitely make one and find out. Not a Linux user, myself, so it doesn't bother me too much.
Truth007: It's kind of weird that gog is supposed to be about drm free but only supports an OS that is drm like windows.
Timboli: Not really, as it started off just being about games, and certainly back then the only real OS for gaming was Windows, and still remains such in a very big way. Linux whether they we like the fact or not, is still very niche, though in a much better space now than it was.
I know, I am talking more about now with windows 11. You don't own your computer anymore since it requires internet and an account to install the OS.
Truth007: I know, I am talking more about now with windows 11. You don't own your computer anymore since it requires internet and an account to install the OS.

Not completly true, Windows 11 can be installed and used with a local account only.