It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

wolfsite: Those other sites offer official install packages for Windows/Mac/ and Linux so they have people that can offer support for all of those packages. GOG only has the Windows installer and more than likely do not have anyone on staff that can help people on Linux if they have a problem.
lenny3: "Those other sites" (which is almost entire Internet which do it in normal no-nonsense way!) allow you to download their software from Android phone or whatever other device, they don't deliberately block download options if you happen to access their page from other device.
Do you see the difference?
yes I do. Using the image as an example the other sites have official packages for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Thus they have them available on an all in one page and have people who can assist with tech support for each version.

Galaxy only has one version, this part goes into speculation but they may feel they don't want to have the link available to cut down on support tickets for a problem they will be unable to offer assistance to since they do not officially support Linux.

Another reason could be to avoid negative press if people download the program on another OS but don't understand that it was not made to function on that OS then those people spread word that the program doesn't function at all despite not realizing it was not made for the application (this is a possibility as there are more people coming to use other operating systems that are not familiar with executable packages usage and OS limitations.

Again I can only speculate on the reason but in the end it is there software and they do have the right to make it available, or UN-available in any way they see fit. You may not be happy with it but that is what they choose to do.
lenny3: Customer rep said, that every time I want to download GOG Galaxy and my browser happens to be Linux, I will have to ask Support for a new link!
Just FYI, there are user-agent altering plugins for most browsers which allow you to override your OS and mimic being on Windows, if that's needed. What GOG is doing is not necessarily wrong, since anyone using Linux might get the false impression that there is a Linux version of Galaxy... which, of course, there isn't.
All this pain over a dropdown arrow, et Lenny?

(Hint: I'm not on a Mac.)
Post edited September 01, 2022 by Darvond
This is really annoying, I ran into this issue myself when wanting to run Galaxy on Wine.

It's like, GOG can't be bothered to do anything with Linux, except to put in the effort to show Linux gamers the middle finger ;)

And even if you manage to get a hold of a Galaxy download, once installed you'd think you could update the client through it on Wine. Nope, all my attempts were unsuccessful with that. Coupled with the clunkiness and slowness, in addition to many errors installing games, fun times!

I basically just gave up on the whole thing and just use lgogdownloader for all my needs, frequently using the Galaxy beta functionality there so I don't have to mess around with offline installers that take ages to download and install.

I also heard Heroic is at a very good place now and has cloud saves and auto-updates. No achievements (yet) though. Will have to try it out at some point.
paladin181: They hide it because there is no Linux version, and despite most linux users being more technically savvy than their Windows using counterparts (not always true, but usually), They don't offer a download link because someone will download it, thinking it works natively, and find out it doesn't the hard way after wasting the time and efforts of some poor tech support tech who just wants people to READ the instructions on the page before they click the link. So rather than do that, they'd rather take your time to give you a link because they're too busy to deal with the everyday, run-of-the-mill troglodytes that fill any tech support queue.
lenny3: On Linux, exe files JUST DON'T WORK unless you download and install windows emulator called Wine, or more integrated alternatives like Lutris. There is no running Windows programs unless user knows exactly what is he doing. So no crying excuse because more Support traffic is generated by Linux users.

Blocking all download options on not supported platforms is just dumb!
And how many Linux users will know that off the rip? Especially with more migrating from the closer-to-a-walled-garden-than-ever-before Windows? I'm not arguing your expertise. But your experience and user competency isn't everyone's. You seem to project that because you know something or want something a certain way, that it should apply to everyone. I'm a power user on Windows (part of the reason I'm switching to Linux is the drastic under-the-hood changes meant to stymie power users) and somewhat knowledgeable about Linux. I've tinkered with it in the past, and even have a few different builds i use. So while I know some things, and can set-up libraries and the like, I don't know a lot. There are going to be people who have friends set up their Linux builds because they can't be bothered. There are going to be those who compile their build from scratch. And everyone in-between. Not everyone has your level of experience.
Go to your library. Select a game. Set system dropdown to windows. Press the big blue button.
lenny3: I went to to download GOG Galaxy client. To my surprise, the webpage displayed a lot of nothing and no download link whatsoever.
Customer support, when asked, was baffled just as I was.
I pressed on with support to figure out WHY I don't have any download link on that page. Finally, got answer.

As it turns out, CD Project DELIBERATELY HIDES download link of GOG Galaxy on page, when browser user agent is detected as Linux based!!!!

This is malicious. I understand CD PROJECT does not support Linux, but why hide download link?! I use GOG Galaxy on Linux via Lutris, it works perfectly well, and I have hundreds of hours played, no problems whatsoever.

But simple thing as installing GOG Galaxy on another machine is more and more difficult because they sabotage Linux, no even download link! Customer rep said, that every time I want to download GOG Galaxy and my browser happens to be Linux, I will have to ask Support for a new link! Currently, latest version of link is but of course that's going to change when new version is out!

What is going on, CD PROJECT?!

E-mail from Customer Support:

As I have mentioned in my previous message - lack of download link for Linux operating system is not a bug, and works as intended. My apologies if that's causing an inconvenience.

If it comes to the GOG GALAXY installer link. When new version of GOG GALAXY will be released you should receive a prompt stating that new update is available. Unfortunately, if that will not end up successful - you will have to contact support and ask for new installer link.

Have a nice day.

GOG Customer Support"
I understand, I don't see the point in hiding the installer, hope they decide to change it.
lenny3: I went to to download GOG Galaxy client. To my surprise, the webpage displayed a lot of nothing and no download link whatsoever.
Customer support, when asked, was baffled just as I was.
I pressed on with support to figure out WHY I don't have any download link on that page. Finally, got answer.

As it turns out, CD Project DELIBERATELY HIDES download link of GOG Galaxy on page, when browser user agent is detected as Linux based!!!!

This is malicious. I understand CD PROJECT does not support Linux, but why hide download link?! I use GOG Galaxy on Linux via Lutris, it works perfectly well, and I have hundreds of hours played, no problems whatsoever.

But simple thing as installing GOG Galaxy on another machine is more and more difficult because they sabotage Linux, no even download link! Customer rep said, that every time I want to download GOG Galaxy and my browser happens to be Linux, I will have to ask Support for a new link! Currently, latest version of link is but of course that's going to change when new version is out!

What is going on, CD PROJECT?!

E-mail from Customer Support:

As I have mentioned in my previous message - lack of download link for Linux operating system is not a bug, and works as intended. My apologies if that's causing an inconvenience.

If it comes to the GOG GALAXY installer link. When new version of GOG GALAXY will be released you should receive a prompt stating that new update is available. Unfortunately, if that will not end up successful - you will have to contact support and ask for new installer link.

Have a nice day.

GOG Customer Support"
Hey lenny, I send you friend request, I know is odd, but when you need a link feel free to write me and I will send you the download link of GOG, here is the latest:

Edit: I mean, I don't think you will need it more than once, when you install it you can update it directly from the app.
Post edited September 01, 2022 by Ruvika
I was bored a couple of days ago so I filled the galaxy feedback form, suggesting that I would like to see official/native galaxy client for linux (or some lite version of it at least) and more linux game builds, for when the win11+ utopia looms ever closer to swallow us all.

Had no idea that they block you from downloading windows galaxy client if you are on linux. That's pretty lame... Options should be: Autodetect/suggested version displayed first, then listing the other options and builds (or hide it behind something like clickable "show me all you got gog, I know what I'm doing"). Having options is good, having no options is stone age.

Thanks for the info lenny, esp. about having to request the dl link from support. I would rather avoid contacting them if I could help it. Loving gog or not, bad decision is still bad at the end of the day.
wolfsite: GOG Galaxy is a Windows only application.
No it's not.

wolfsite: GOG only has the Windows installer
No it doesn't. Change your user agent to something like "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15" and see what happens.

lenny3: I don't want any technical support or anything, just NOT TO BLOCK DOWNLOAD LINK, because this is dumb!
Well, yes, it is dumb. I don't think anybody else does this. Just to pick a random example, if I try the Pixelmator download page, it's Mac-only but doesn't block anyone from downloading it regardless of OS. The Galaxy page should default to the Windows download if you're on Windows or the Mac version if you're on macOS, but should do nothing else.

That said. You can just temporarily change the user agent; you don't need to bother with support. Not really worth getting worked up over.
Post edited September 01, 2022 by eric5h5
Spectrum_Legacy: Had no idea that they block you from downloading windows galaxy client if you are on linux.
They don't.
high rated
Preventing the download of Galaxy is a smart move. Now they should extend it to Windows and Mac OS users too.
OP - While I don't agree with GOG automatically hiding the link based on OS, it is not a straight forward link anyway, and GOG have stated they don't support Linux, and so I guess they are just making that abundantly clearer.

If you want to download the many Linux variants of games they do provide as a bonus, then you are on your own, Linux Community and developers aside. It would be even more so with Galaxy, which is not meant to be used on Linux, despite ways around that.

But as I said, OS should not matter. I might be wanting to download Galaxy etc while using Linux, to later install on Windows. I could be on Android too, wanting to do the same thing ... or even on a MAC.

Perhaps the important question, is why isn't the download link a straight forward one?
It's not like Galaxy is some game file that needs protecting.

On the bottom right of every Forum page, I see the big purple button (link) to Download GOG Galaxy for Windows, and the link has some stupid 'payload' text tacked on the end. What the hell for?

Does that purple button (link) exist in the browser of those using Linux?
Does it show modified text for those using a MAC?

FrostburnPhoenix: Go to your library. Select a game. Set system dropdown to windows. Press the big blue button.
Doesn't that just download and install Galaxy, with a parameter for the game or game file?
Or does it download the Galaxy installer and then query the user to run it?
Been a while since I used the BIG BLUE button.

P.S. Of course, it may also check what version of Galaxy is currently installed, so bypass downloading Galaxy altogether, just execute the installed version of Galaxy with the game/file parameter.
Post edited September 02, 2022 by Timboli
Timboli: Does that purple button (link) exist in the browser of those using Linux?
Yes, the big purple button shows at the bottom right of the forum page when using Linux, but the text it displays is [* Discover GOG Galaxy], Which when clicked, leads you to with no option or link to actually download it...
Trooper1270: .......
No worries, thanks for the info.