Fever_Discordia: Or maybe I'm just a diehard woke old leftie who still watches Jim-Steph Sterling and Bob "MovieBob" Chipman?
DoomSooth: I don't know who those people are. Did they make any games?
MovieBob is the Super Mario Bros 3-worshipping giga-incel who deludes himself into thinking that his unreasonable bigotry against Trump and fallowers thereof makes him not the Nazi, despite constantly tweeting Nazi rhetoric except with right-wingers in place of Jews. Before all this self-destruction, he reviewed movies on The Escapist. Edit: And has been fired from them twice.
Jim Sterling had an gaming-themed opinion show also previously on the Escapist; his self-destruction amounts to lingering on a few subjects with inconsistent reliability. One week, he's decrying the extremely sub-optimal working conditions for game developers; but he'll just as often whine about difficulty levels in a way that correctly states choice is ideal and falsely suggests it's a package deal with disability accommodation. Jim also claims in his podcast about game-based movies that Angry Birds is bad because pigs represent illegal immigrants and the birds are MAGA; obviously, the pigs are imperialists, birds are indigenous, he and I can agree the movie sucks, and Jim is a half-wit.