Posted January 30, 2020
high rated

Coz its really awesome to see all updates of gog games in rss feed, but there is no reason to overfill your personal feed with info regarding games you dont own.
I still think about GOG DB regularly, I don't want to abandon my most popular project. So far trying to get back to it has always failed, because the update script has grown into such a big mess that I didn't want to work with it anymore and another big reason is that I stopped using GOG for the most part.
Back when Steam didn't have Proton integration, getting Windows games to work on Linux was a big pain because of the DRM, so I went to GOG instead, but now that problem is gone and running Windows games is almost fully transparent in Steam. While I care a lot about DRM, I care even more about vendor lock-in, because that's been proven to be a much bigger struggle than any DRM system I've encountered. GOG has failed to address this issue in any way. They reduce Linux users down to simple sale numbers, without realizing they're a community full of people who are willing to do countless hours of work for free, if you just give them the smallest incentive. The reluctance to open up the Galaxy platform is in my opinion the biggest factor for its continuing irrelevance and the reason why I am no longer a GOG user and community developer.
If I ever start working on GOG DB again, it's no longer because I'm excited for the future of GOG, but to give back to the community who continues to appreciate what I started 2.5 years ago. I've learnt a lot about different programming techniques that would make working on the update script much more bearable and my desire to do another GOG DB update has recently been increasing as well. Maybe I'll try to get one out before the next Half-Life release, just because of the similarties in release cycles ;).