Posted August 15, 2018
immi101: you can avoid the regional blocking for all website APIs by setting the cookie 'gog_lc' to something different than 'DE_EUR_de-DE', like: 'US_USD_en-US'.
The IP-based blocking only kicks in if you actually attempt to buy a game or if you don't provide the cookie in your request.
The galaxy APIs for getting product/build information don't do any regional blocking afaik.
Yepoleb: I'm already doing that to get USD prices. It's not working anymore. The IP-based blocking only kicks in if you actually attempt to buy a game or if you don't provide the cookie in your request.
The galaxy APIs for getting product/build information don't do any regional blocking afaik.
$ curl -s '' -H 'Cookie: gog_lc=DE_EUR_en-US' | grep -o '"totalGamesFound":[0-9]*'
$ curl -s '' -H 'Cookie: gog_lc=US_USD_en-US' | grep -o '"totalGamesFound":[0-9]*'