Thanks to everyone who posted an ID related answer, there is nothing I have to add.
joppo: I have an actual reason to ask for the collection of regional prices. (At least I believe I do.)
You see, regional prices vary wildly. Sometimes one might want to check how much is the cut for a particular game in their country, or even discover publishers who decide to be dicks to one particular people (for example, check how much a brazilian will pay for [url=] this game + DLC[/url] compared to their base price.) Unfortunately it is not restricted to just this one series. For example Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages and Cossacks Anthology cost a lot more than the base price in BR. Alas, I would rather know that before I buy any of these games.
This is unfortunately the same argument I've refuted multiple times before. MaGog tracks the prices without the Fair Price Package wallet credit, which I think is a stupid thing to do that causes a lot of confusion. Factoring it in instead we get these prices:
Little Nightmares
US 19.99$
BR 25.21$ - 5.22$ (Fair Price Package) = 19.99$
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages
US 4.99$
BR 6.29$ - 1.30$ (FPP) = 4.99$
Cossacks Anthology
US 5.99$
BR 8.04$ - 2.05$ (FPP) = 5.99$
So unless you're only buying a single game from GOG, which the people asking for the feature do not,
you're paying the exact same price as a North American or European customer.
joppo: So, even if you won't display the data right away, could you at least collect it so we may download the CSVs and hack at them to fit our needs?
No, collecting the data and not displaying it would defeat the entire purpose of the site. You can download pygogapi and hack together your own data collection script though.