Yepoleb: GOG Database collects data from the store pages and Galaxy APIs and makes it accessible on a single page for each game. Currently its uses are a bit limited and mostly developer focused, but I have many ideas of features that could be useful for all players. As the name suggests, this project has been heavily inspired by
Steam Database, you should definitely check them out if you're a Steam user.
Current features:
* Downloads list
* Basic API data
* Dollar price tracking
* Store info tracking
* Download tracking
Planned features:
* File tracking
* Non-store games
* Regional prices
The site can be found at
I noticed your page mentions Freenode's ##gogdb. I just went there, and it's almost completely empty. Why not come over to ##gaming instead, at least until activity in your project starts to take off? Joining the larger group is a great way to make people aware of your project.
For everyone else, you can easily reach Freenode ##gaming with this web-based IRC client: