LeonardoCornejo: *worrisomeness*
zeogold: Opinions are fine, so long as you're not name-calling/threatening/otherwise abusing somebody.
noncompliantgame: I don't really know the story behind all of this. All things being equal (or not) I was under the impression that deletion is for the usual reasons. Extremely offensive and insulting material, libel, copyright violations, spam, posting links to porn etc. Obviously the both of you have a very different take on events?
zeogold: Aha, see what I meant? My rep just dropped by about 6 points, as did tinyE's. The dude and his bots just randomly downvote our posts every so often in an attempt to "punish" us somehow, or in hopes of putting us in the negative like they did pimpmonkey and try to convince people that these guys are untrustworthy (most folks usually don't fall for this unless they're new). If you see somebody's tagline say "-300 club!" or something similar, typically it means that they frequently call out scammers and have lost 300 or more rep points as a result.
Sachys and tinyE are among the best of the "watchdogs" of the forum from what I've seen, and I'm assuming pimpmonkey must be as well in order to lose that much rep. Me, I'm probably the calmest and stupidest of the bunch, a trollbaiter who simply can't resist engaging them in....eheheh...light conversation.
I've been a GOG member for almost 3 1/2 years and a (semi-)regular here on the forums for about 1 1/2 - 2 years and I didn't know that. But I don't really participate in give aways or trades or competitions etc and I tend to skim threads rather than go into depth so there's prolly a lot I've missed. :^/
zeogold: Opinions are fine, so long as you're not name-calling/threatening/otherwise abusing somebody.
Klumpen0815: In this day and age, opinions seem to be the worst things you can have, if they aren't canon.
Outright harrassment often gets punished less (=is more likely to be just ignored) than politely stated opinions.
I'd probably have about 1400 rep by now if this wasn't the case and if we'd get new mods, real discussions probably wouldn't be happening anymore at all thanks to the phasing outrage culture.
Try it! Go into threads and just say "I think that Islam and neo-feminism are problematic" (with or without further reasoning, doesn't make any difference) and boy, you're in for a treat.
To be fair, it works in reverse too.That is if you say "some of my best friends are Muslims" or unleash a pro-neofem diatribe you're likely to get dog piled too.