dtgreene: There's one other rule in AD&D 1e that I dislike to the point where I will refuse to play under any DM that enforces that rule: the female Strength cap. Thing is, female characters have lower strength caps than male characters, and female characters get *nothing* in return for it. I consider this sexist and will refuse to play any AD&D campaign that enforces the rule. If I am assigned the DM role, I will rule zero the rule out of existence; there is no good reason to disallow female characters from having high Strength if male characters are allowed it.
There’s actually one game that does it in a way that doesn’t disturb me: Morrowind.
Depending on the gender of your character, you get different starting attributes but the total stay the same.
As an example here are the basic attributes of a male Argonian:
Strength 40
Intelligence 40
Willpower 30
Agility 50
Speed 50
Endurance 30
Personality 30
Luck 40
And the same for a female Argonian:
Strength 40
Intelligence 50
Willpower 40
Agility 40
Speed 40
Endurance 30
Personality 30
Luck 40