I heard GOG is no longer being in the games business as of 1-13-16 and that they'll start selling toilet seats.
This is an atrocity! What the heck, GOG?! Don't you care about old games anymore? Don't you want to make digital sales?
I mean, sure, we all sit when we're using either one of these items, but I'd far prefer a game WHILE I'm taking a crap. So seriously, this is just bonkers! At a minimum, put some prints of Mario levels on the toilet seats so we have something to do!
And for real? You're not even making solar-powered heated toilet seats? This is just stupid.
Come on guys!
I hate GOG. They're just a bunch of money-grubbin' toilet-seat-making stupid-heads (I originally wrote necrophiliacs, but I don't have any evidence on that -- YET!).