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The no-DRM concept is awesome. Even games installed through the Galaxy client will still run when you're logged out while Steam games will not.

However there are some issues that increasingly bother me, hopefully GoG will address them and continue to improve.
- no Mac (and possibly Linux) version for games that do have a Mac version (on Steam)
- Mac versions are not always properly supported, some will not run on the latest High Sierra OS
- haven't tested this enough but it seems that some galaxy versions are more up to date than classic installers (for Mac)
- some (Mac but I also noticed it for Windows) versions are well behind Steam (games are not updated)
- lack of modding support similar to Steam workshop
- (more of a personal, minor issue) too short window to redeem the free games you earned

Despite no-DRM being the clear choice, on many occasions I still doubt whether I should get the GoG or Steam version.
Monicheti: The no-DRM concept is awesome. Even games installed through the Galaxy client will still run when you're logged out while Steam games will not.
You're a little wrong there, but I won't say it because that is naughty.
Monicheti: - (more of a personal, minor issue) too short window to redeem the free games you earned
Could you elaborate on this point?
I think tha lack of Max/Linux versions os mostly related to the fact that ports are usually made by thord parties like Aspyr, which means that GOG needs to pen a separate deal with them.
Post edited January 05, 2018 by blotunga
high rated
Monicheti: (...) there are some issues that increasingly bother me, hopefully GoG will address them and continue to improve.
Hello Monicheti! linuxvangog from Product UNIX Team here. Let me shed some light on some of your Mac-related concerns:
Monicheti: - no Mac (and possibly Linux) version for games that do have a Mac version (on Steam)
blotunga: I think tha lack of Max/Linux versions os mostly related to the fact that ports are usually made by thord parties like Aspyr, which means that GOG needs to pen a separate deal with them.
Here are some popular reasons explaining why GOG does not have some of Mac or Linux games in its offer. They can usually be grouped into two categories, technical and legal:

- Major technical obstacle discovered during our QA process, such as gamebreaking bugs, overcomplicated installation process, issues with Galaxy features integration or in rare cases even third-party DRM in builds sent by publisher
- A deal for publishing the Mac or Linux version wasn’t signed / agreed to
- Developer turned down our request to supply a Mac or Linux version of their game
Monicheti: - Mac versions are not always properly supported, some will not run on the latest High Sierra OS
We do our best to support Mac games available in GOG offer. Admittedly, Apple has introduced some major changes in their GPU drivers with the macOS High Sierra release, and many titles instantly became incompatible. We are actively working on issuing fixes for these games, but it's an on-going effort that will still take some time to complete.
Monicheti: - haven't tested this enough but it seems that some galaxy versions are more up to date than classic installers (for Mac)
Sometimes it might indeed be the case and the reason behind this is technical. However I assure you that a classic installer is always released with a minimal delay alongside the version downloadable through the Galaxy client.
Monicheti: - some (Mac but I also noticed it for Windows) versions are well behind Steam (games are not updated)
The responsibility to keep the game up-to-date lies on the developer. If you notice such occurrence, feel free to contact our support or the game developer directly and request a new version.

If you have any other questions related to Mac & Linux support on GOG, please let me know.
Post edited January 05, 2018 by linuxvangog
blotunga: I think tha lack of Max/Linux versions os mostly related to the fact that ports are usually made by thord parties like Aspyr, which means that GOG needs to pen a separate deal with them.
linuxvangog: Here are some popular reasons explaining why GOG does not have some of Mac or Linux games in its offer. They can usually be grouped into two categories, technical and legal:

- Major technical obstacle discovered during our QA process, such as gamebreaking bugs, overcomplicated installation process, issues with Galaxy features integration or in rare cases even third-party DRM in builds sent by publisher
- A deal for publishing the Mac or Linux version wasn’t signed / agreed to
- Developer turned down our request to supply a Mac or Linux version of their game
Monicheti: - Mac versions are not always properly supported, some will not run on the latest High Sierra OS
linuxvangog: We do our best to support Mac games available in GOG offer. Admittedly, Apple has introduced some major changes in their GPU drivers with the macOS High Sierra release, and many titles instantly became incompatible. We are actively working on issuing fixes for these games, but it's an on-going effort that will still take some time to complete.
Monicheti: - haven't tested this enough but it seems that some galaxy versions are more up to date than classic installers (for Mac)
linuxvangog: Sometimes it might indeed be the case and the reason behind this is technical. However I assure you that a classic installer is always released with a minimal delay alongside the version downloadable through the Galaxy client.
Monicheti: - some (Mac but I also noticed it for Windows) versions are well behind Steam (games are not updated)
linuxvangog: The responsibility to keep the game up-to-date lies on the developer. If you notice such occurrence, feel free to contact our support or the game developer directly and request a new version.

If you have any other questions related to Mac & Linux support on GOG, please let me know.
Thanks for the post - I and others have been saying this for years, and it's nice to have a Blue officially weigh in on this. That and I've grown tired of saying the same things over and over and over again.

I only ask that maybe you could sticky this post in its own thread so that it's visible on the front page of the forums.
Some of that info was mentioned about Linux specifically in the rather recently stickied thread:
linuxvangog - Fantastic Linux & Mac Guy and Where To Find Him.
Though, this more recent reply implies similar conditions also apply to macos as well. (And likely to all games in general.)

I think the reply from linuxvangog in this current thread (post 5) is a nice round-up/elaboration of that information, especially that which was linked from it in the first post of that stickied thread which lists other websites where linuxvangog has responded more publicly to similar questions.

A couple of posts with other links in that stickied thread are post 15 and post 43.
Post edited January 05, 2018 by thomq
Monicheti: - lack of modding support similar to Steam workshop
Modding support depends on the game itself (and the developer) not some frontend which in some cases locks away an actual modding support.

By that i mean for example, restricting the map editor to Steam Workshop only which Shadwen has. This is just awful.
Good stuff! Thank you, linuxvangog, for your input. Hearing that someone is working on it is reassuring. :)

I would suggest (it's probably nothing new) to maybe list the game version (or the date of the latest patch) somewhere on the store page, so it can be seen before you make a purchase. And possibly list the supported MacOS versions separately, just like the windows one. Or just the earliest and latest ones, e.g. 10.9-10.13.
Monicheti: - (more of a personal, minor issue) too short window to redeem the free games you earned
zeogold: Could you elaborate on this point?
The games you're gifted for making a purchase above a certain EUR amount during sales (or from other events) have to be manually redeemed within a period of time that I find too short. It's easy to forget about them, buried among emails, until it's too late. I'd rather they activate automatically but as I said, it's rather minor.
Post edited January 05, 2018 by Monicheti
rampancy: I only ask that maybe you could sticky this post in its own thread so that it's visible on the front page of the forums.
To become yet another ignored thread on top of the pile. =P
Monicheti: - lack of modding support similar to Steam workshop
Kayx291: Modding support depends on the game itself (and the developer) not some frontend which in some cases locks away an actual modding support.

By that i mean for example, restricting the map editor to Steam Workshop only which Shadwen has. This is just awful.
I'm worried that without some kind of "incentive" (like a functionality similar to Steam's workshop) to host / promote / facilitate mods, some games - like Stellaris, should it ever come to GoG - will always have a lower perceived value (despite being DRM-free). By the time it hits GoG, Stellaris will be almost worthless without all the mods.
Kayx291: Modding support depends on the game itself (and the developer) not some frontend which in some cases locks away an actual modding support.

By that i mean for example, restricting the map editor to Steam Workshop only which Shadwen has. This is just awful.
Monicheti: I'm worried that without some kind of "incentive" (like a functionality similar to Steam's workshop) to host / promote / facilitate mods, some games - like Stellaris, should it ever come to GoG - will always have a lower perceived value (despite being DRM-free). By the time it hits GoG, Stellaris will be almost worthless without all the mods.
It is always going to be a lower perceived value, and I say this, because a lot of people see your one argument for it being a higher value as an actual detriment.

Go look around some chat rooms, or over at the Steam forum. Folks (not all folks but a shocking number) see "DRM free" and think pirated. A lot of people stick to Steam BECAUSE o f the DRM. To them it's security. It means legitimacy and without it, GOG is just another G2A.
Post edited January 05, 2018 by tinyE
Monicheti: snip…Stellaris will be almost worthless without all the mods.
To me, a game that needs mods likely isn't worthwhile on its own. If it's worthwhile on its own, then I'm not going to miss the mods.
You need to know one thing about Mac games on gog. Some of them use Wineskin and...well just read here:

That's the reason why I now use windows/linux instead of mac... and that's also why my mac still use Sierra. All 32-bit applications will not work on Mac os 10.13.x.

Old games, wine games, just like on iOS because Apple will not support 32-bit applications for reasons that are not really clear since will just be a software limitation.
linuxvangog: [...] Here are some popular reasons explaining why GOG does not have some of Mac or Linux games in its offer. [...]

- Major technical obstacle discovered during our QA process, such as gamebreaking bugs, overcomplicated installation process, issues with Galaxy features integration or in rare cases even third-party DRM in builds sent by publisher [...]
[emphasis added]

Perhaps you said it someplace else and I missed it, or I simply don't quite get it as I don't use Linux (yet), but since there's no GOG Galaxy for Linux, how exactly does the bit I highlighted interfere with getting the Linux version here?

Cheers in advantage, and happy new year.