aristotle61: How would you know what games to start if you don't know what games are available to you from GOG connect?
Maighstir: Since I don't have a Steam account linked, I am -of course- not eligible to any of them, but I can still see which ones are available. Is it different if you do have an account linked?
Currently available games:
AI War Collection
Hunie Pop
Mount & Blade
Pirates! Gold Plus
The Sexy Brutale
Tropico 4
Unreal Tournament GOTY
The list already tells me which ones I do and don't have on my GOG account (the title is in grey for owned and black for not owned, not very prominent, but the difference is there), and thus I know which ones I don't have:
AI War Collection
The Sexy Brutale
So, if I had those on Steam, had my account connected, and GOG hadn't yet noticed some of those as eligible, they are the ones I would launch on Steam.
Thanks for the helpful information. In regards to your question, the only thing I have ever seen is an option on the front page to connect to GOG Connect. I assume everyone sees this. When I click on it, it's supposed to show me if there are any games available. I have never seen any list of games that are currently available. I always wondered why they didn't show that. Where did you get your list? Does it show any expiration dates? At one point GOG said Torchlight II was available through GOG Connect, but I could never get it to work before it expired.
Wow. This is embarrassing to admit, but I have never bothered to scroll down the page to see the list of games. I didn't even realize they were there. All I saw was the refresh button and the message that I have no new games available. I might not have noticed because I have the font size set to larger than normal. I guess I see the same list you are talking about now.