Tallima: I hope you enjoy unloading your extra keys and picking up something you'll love!
Spinorial: So... there's this Hoard Complete Pack that's on the list, yet doesn't really have a post associated, nor is it ever mentioned in the thread. Is that actually available? If so, is it yours, Tallima? And if so, does that mean I can't get it since you got my last game?
That first post changed so many times that the game list disappeared. That is my game.
And you're right. I can't give it to you with the current rules. But the intention of the rules was to prevent a direct trade occurring on that day. So I think I will change that rule so long as there is no objection among the community.
It used to read:
Who Can I Get a Game From? Anyone except someone you just gave a game to. This thread is not for 2 people trading back and forth, but for the community to post unwanted games that have value to others. So we let more people interact by taking just one game every day and not taking from those who give us games.
My old proposed change:
Who Can I Get a Game From? Anyone except someone you [strike]just[/strike] gave a game to
in the past 24 hours. This thread is not for 2 people trading back and forth, but for the community to post unwanted games that have value to others. So we let more people interact by taking just one game every day and not taking from those who give us games.
If anyone objects, let me know. Otherwise, I'll make the change official in the next day or two (I'm on vacation, so I an't get to the PC every day -- and I may forget. Just PM me if I don't make the change in a few days).
My new proposed change:
My proposed change:
Who Can I Get a Game From? If the game has been listed for more than a week: Anyone.
If the game has been listed for less than a week: Anyone except someone you just gave a game to. This thread is not for 2 people trading back and forth, but for the community to post unwanted games that have value to others. So we let more people interact by taking just one game every day and not taking from those who just gave us a game.