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high rated
myconv: [...] Just suggesting starring titles be based on likely popularity. Benkii can ignore this suggestion, but it doesn't do any harm to suggest it.
You've been at it for a couple of days. Your suggestion isn't gaining any traction. When do you think it's time to drop it?

On a related side note, IIRC, our host has already laid out how the Starred Games System works, I think it even was in this very thread.
"been at it a couple days"

Inaccurate. I mentioned it a few days ago and then posted earlier today and then was personally attacked and been spending effort defending myself and bringing the topic back from attacking me. I haven't even looked at this topic between then.

The topic ends when it ends, your asides Hyper don't help.

And if the topic is to end, maybe let the last post be actually on topic.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
I'm just gonna put this out there.

The reason why certain games are on the Starred list over Standard is simply because I deemed them so. I need no further justification.

Now I would like to take this opportunity to remind certain people (myconv, you specifically) from attacking other forum users personally. Discussion is fine but don't let it turn to angry rant posts. That is all.
high rated
Well then, case closed.

Thank you, @BenKii.
I was attacked, I did not attack anyone else.
high rated
myconv: You can see how popular a game is by how many people ask for it.

Number of people signing up for starred raffle is not subjective.
That's not completely true.
You can see there's 50+ people on cooldown and we just turned the month. Assuming a very low number of 20 stared games had been given per month, at the end of the month 60 people are on cooldown.

I can only speak for myself, on the past 3 months there's a few stared games I would be interested enough to ask for it (including delisted Hellish Quart), except by some reason I didn't login for a few days and miss it or been on cooldown period (wich I was).

There's also more complicated stuff, like when the starred category started to happen more frequently and with more games (thanks for the donations!!!!) and how long it will take to stabilize. At first many games were asked by 5+ people, it's not uncommon now to have a game or two with a single or even zero participants.

What may look like lack of interest it's easy explained by the sheer number of people on cooldown and my next point:

I've said this before but I think the starred category may not please every one but we never had so many interesting, diverse and in number games to choose from, at any time (never is too strong choice of word, since I started using the forum around ~2018, Zeo was the host at the time). In that regard it's working beautifully, of course, the big amount of donations to make it happen also matter. The simple fact that there's no rush at the start of the month, it's already a win.

BTW, would like to thank Cavalary for his response.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by Dark_art_
high rated
BenKii: The reason why certain games are on the Starred list over Standard is simply because I deemed them so. I need no further justification.
Well, there it is.
Respect to you and my gratitude as always.
myconv: You can see how popular a game is by how many people ask for it.

Number of people signing up for starred raffle is not subjective.
Dark_art_: That's not completely true.
You can see there's 50+ people on cooldown and we just turned the month. Assuming a very low number of 20 stared games had been given per month, at the end of the month 60 people are on cooldown.

I can only speak for myself, on the past 3 months there's a few stared games I would be interested enough to ask for it (including delisted Hellish Quart), except by some reason I didn't login for a few days and miss it or been on cooldown period (wich I was).

There's also more complicated stuff, like when the starred category started to happen more frequently and with more games (thanks for the donations!!!!) and how long it will take to stabilize. At first many games were asked by 5+ people, it's not uncommon now to have a game or two with a single or even zero participants.

What may look like lack of interest it's easy explained by the sheer number of people on cooldown and my next point:

I've said this before but I think the starred category may not please every one but we never had so many interesting, diverse and in number games to choose from, at any time (never is too strong choice of word, since I started using the forum around ~2018, Zeo was the host at the time). In that regard it's working beautifully, of course, the big amount of donations to make it happen also matter. The simple fact that there's no rush at the start of the month, it's already a win.

BTW, would like to thank Cavalary for his response.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I respond in a academic sense and for any future give-away like for Steam games that might appear in the future and use starred.

I think these numbers speak volumes.-

I count roughly 20 game requests since the beginning of Aug under 3 days ago, which is also when these two starred titles went up.
0 people have asked for either starred game.

People on cool down can not ask for non-starred games either. That's at least (not considering those holding out for latter titles or have yet to get on or decide this month) 20 people that wanted something other than the starred titles and 0 who did want either starred beginning of Aug games.

So while you make a good point regarding generous number of titles available (thank you all, probably mostly Doc) reducing pressure on what appears, and people in cooldown, these two titles based on quantitative objective numbers are clearly not popular, if that matters to you for whether to star or not.

P.S. I am also thankful for BenKiis work.
Post edited August 04, 2024 by myconv
high rated
myconv: P.S. I am also thankful for BenKiis work.
Of course you are, any other moderator could still ban you and nobody else will bat an eye
Noting Zlaywals inappropriate toxic reply, and to a thank you of all things. Doesn't really make one feel like giving thanks when some terribly rude mean person attacks you for giving thanks and others don't mind that.

Benkii, are Amazon giveaway games no longer going to be daggered? They were before, right? So only gog direct giveaways will be daggered now?

Note, right now there are alot of amazon prime gog game "giveaways" (not sure giveaway is the right term as you need to pay for amazon prime) Most of the multiple copies titles in the giveaway are amazon prime ones plus some that don't have multiple copies in giveaway.
Post edited August 05, 2024 by myconv
myconv: Noting Zlaywals inappropriate toxic reply, and to a thank you of all things. Doesn't really make one feel like giving thanks when some terribly rude mean person attacks you for giving thanks and others don't mind that.
Whatever. As for me my life is hard enough without having to worry about whether a community giveaway ran according to my rules and preferences.

You do you.
On average BenKii treats the Amazon codes as standard first, and then nearing the expiry and depending on the amount of keys it gets daggered.

Also, if the Amazon codes are for games which were given out by GOG in the past, then that gives them a nudge towards being daggered as well.

There's multiple factors at play, and the host makes his decision according to how he wishes accordingly. There's no "rule" for the host, just a potential guideline he humours us with which he may or may not follow.
Post edited August 05, 2024 by Braggadar
high rated
myconv: Starred games should be especially desired, especially with having to wait 3 months to ask for another game.

Delta Force + Delta Force 2
Meridia New World + Meridian: Squad 22 + OST

i don't see how either of those games qualify. Neither costs much even at regular price much-less on sale (very cheap on sale) and Meridia doesn't even make 50% likes on Steam. I'm guessing because neither game is for sale on gog? That is the only thing the two games have in common.

Wildermyth with expansion for example, could have been a starred game. I would have thrown in for it. (of course I would have gladly just asked for it if someone hadn't beaten me to it)

On the other hand I doubt anyone is going to ask for Meridia as a starred game Doubtful many requests even if it wasn't starred.
BenKii answered why he starred certain games, case closed. Moreover, this is not a debate forum, and passive-aggressive posts are not welcomed. If you feel the need to sort out personal disagreements then do so via DMs (and with proper respect to the other person and their opinions). This is a warning, but further participation in such discussions here will result in suspensions from the GOG Forum.
I have not been following this thread lately, so sorry if this has been discussed before and the decision has already been made by the community, but I'd like to vote for the new Amazon Keys that were given away to not require Forum eligibility.

The reason:

As the last Amazon Prime Games giveaway, well, gave away, games most of the community members already have, because they're quite old (Except Cat Quest II, Steamworld Heist, Mankind Divided), why not let everyone that are not active forum members have them?

To prevent any kind of bad behaviour, possibly you could give an account creation date limitation, as an example, say, "only users that created their account before January 2024 are eligible, but there are no forum post requirements".

I also don't know what are those codes expiry date, so its just an idea for them to not expire before anyone has the chance to redeem them.

There's the problem that in this specific case, games that by this standard would be considered "owned by most of the community members" is so subjective and abstract that something like that might not be fair, so I agree with any kind of argument that points a way for the community to manage Amazon Prime keys when the quantity of keys given away are so high as of now.
high rated
.Keys: I have not been following this thread lately, so sorry if this has been discussed before and the decision has already been made by the community, but I'd like to vote for the new Amazon Keys that were given away to not require Forum eligibility.
So for the time being I'm keeping them Standard because people did pay for them with their Prime subscription but I will eventually mark most as Daggered as the expiration date approaches. My reasoning for this is to allow people who really really want the game to request it as Standard with little competition for those keys. Once I mark them as Daggered then everyone will ask for them and will disappear quickly. If for any reason they're Daggered and we still have a bunch leftover that are about to expire then I'll state that no forum eligibility is required to request them. I figure that is most fair in my mind.