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BrianSim: Reading between the lines it sounds like someone wants starred games but also wants to max out that 12/12 game 'quota' per year without 'losing out' on 2 game requests... ;-)
Nope. I was wondering when someone was going to use ad hominem. Please refrain from "reading between the lines" if you are so bad at it like that. FYI I don't have interested in either game on starred or off, so it doesn't effect me one way or another if these games are starred or not.

The main point is starred games should be especially desired where there is multiple people who want the game. That seems to be the whole point of having a starred system like this. To make it more fair, not about who comes on right after new month or game additions.

Those games clearly are not desired at all, as proof no one has asked for either game. Compare to other titles where people pile in for their chance despite the 2 month cooldown.

If the titles get shifted off starred anyway with no one asking for them, then having those titles on starred is just a waste of BenKii's efforts.

2 month cooldown is a entirely separate topic.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
myconv: Nope. I was wondering when someone was going to use ad hominem. Please refrain from "reading between the lines" if you are so bad at it.
My good man. You've made 22 game requests in the past 13 months. And that included:-

Arguing with BenKii that the 3-month cooldown for the * game you won in March shouldn't apply to your request for April:-

Demanded the ability to "look at the list of games ahead of time":-

Admitted you want to claim games you're not sure you even want by demanding the ability to "reserve" titles for oneself purely to block others requesting games they genuinely want so you can "think about it":-

The reason being you viewed half the games on the list as "leftovers" such that even Doc0075 had something to say about that attitude:-

Had to be warned to participate to remain eligible twice (ie, you were just turning up and posting on the forum once per month just for the giveaways):-

And all that was after BenKii graciously let you back in after you were double-banned from both giveaways (inc the former Steam one) by the previous administrator (Finkleroy) for being incredibly rude just because you missed a deadline and were denied your monthly 'quota':-

Then you started two threads arguing about that in public too:-

You're not exactly being subtle here, and quite honestly you are very, VERY lucky you've had 20x more games than you otherwise would have had if BenKii had not unbanned you...
Post edited August 03, 2024 by BrianSim

I don't have interested in either game on starred or off, so it doesn't effect me one way or another if these games are starred or not.

BrianSim, please desist with your wildly inappropriate ad-hominem.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
myconv: If the point of giveawaysis to bring the joys of gaming, this argument makes no sense. Generally gamers don't care about the rarity of digital copies of games but of how fun the game would be for them, which again is presumably the point of a game Giveaway.
Like I said, and you apparently cannot fathom, both the pleasure in adding to a collection AND the pleasure of playing can be had simultaneously. You seem to think we don't enjoy playing the games we collect. And if the only way we can afford to complete our GOG game collection is thanks to the kindness of others, then we appreciate it all the more to have it. To play, and to enjoy looking at the neat little soldiers in a row on the shelf. Double the pleasure is obtained from the generous donation (and the efforts of the host).

Steam doesn't come into it for a lot of us because a game library for some of us is narrowly defined to one single platform. And our preference in playing games is narrowly defined to the GOG platform. Which is why we are here. Some of us don't want an account or collection on the Steaming pile of DRM. Or a collection across multiple platforms. Thusly, we often consider that a delisting here is the game gone from our lives, because we choose not to own it on other platforms. We desire it here. And we enjoy playing it here. Hence, it's bringing the joy of gaming on this platform, whilst potentially also bringing us the joy of completing a set on this platform.

And I must say your habit of criticizing the hosts of giveaways on this forum is legendary, mate.
Braggadar: pleasure in ...
Braggadar if the titles were desired then people would ask for them. That no one has shows how many people find that pleasure.

In the end starred system is about what games are most popular and a way to manage that extra high popularity. Or are you saying I am wrong? The reason for the popularity is irrelevant.

But clearly collecting rare gog keys is not that popular and those into that possibly already have that game key in their collection based on no one asking for either game.

Please don't start in with personal attacks against me as well, Bragg. It is still highly inappropriate and probably against the rules
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
myconv: In the end starred system is about what games are most popular
In the end the starred system is what BenKii decides it is. Quit all the backseat driving ffs.
Braggadar: In the end the starred system is what BenKii decides it is. Quit all the backseat driving ffs.
If you feel no one should discuss the matter than you are being hypocritical by doing exactly that here. You put in your 2 cents while saying other people shouldn't.

What is the purpose of this thread then if in your opinion no one should ever express a opinion on anything?
high rated
myconv: If you feel no one should discuss the matter than you are being hypocritical by doing exactly that here. You put in your 2 cents while saying other people shouldn't.
No, everyone else is fine because they manage to discuss the giveaway in a constructive manner. You just seem to whine that it's not being run like you wish it should.

I'm telling you not to backseat drive. Not everyone else.
Braggadar: No, everyone else is fine because they manage to discuss the giveaway in a constructive manner. You just seem to whine that it's not being run like you wish it should.

I'm telling you not to backseat drive. Not everyone else.
So your opinion on how it should be run is "constructive manner" where as my opinion is "whining" and "backseat driving"

I suppose you think ad-hominem and personal attacks are "constructive manner" as well.

Your intellectual dishonesty is very convenient for you.

I would note that this post of yours contains no on topic relevant points. Which to me does not seem constructive at all but in fact toxic.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
myconv: Your intellectual dishonesty is very convenient for you.
Personal attacks are so very easy, aren't they.
Pointing out intellectual dishonesty is not a personal attack. Just like pointing out a personal attack is not a personal attack. I am not criticizing who you are, instead I am criticizing what you are doing right now in the thread that is so toxic and unconstructive and intellectually dishonest.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
myconv: Pointing out intellectual dishonesty is not a personal attack. Just like pointing out a personal attack is not a personal attack. I am not criticizing who you are, but what you are doing right now in the thread.
Just like me pointing out that you have managed to criticise multiple giveaway hosts in the past isn't a personal attack, but actual fact. I'm criticising what you did yet again in this thread.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by Braggadar
high rated
myconv: So your opinion on how it should be run is "constructive manner" where as my opinion is "whining" and "backseat driving"

I suppose you think ad-hominem and personal attacks are "constructive manner" as well.

Your intellectual dishonesty is very convenient for you.
People quoting your own hostile posts back to you are not "ad hominem personal attacks", that's just mislabelled embarrassment at being called out on repetitive negative behaviour. Every 4-6 months almost like clockwork, you seem to 'kick off' again constantly wanting to change one rule or another to suit yourself, then start churning out imaginary "Help I'm being attacked by ad hominems!" false victim posts when people respond disagreeing with endless calls for special privilege. If you want the starred games then request them and accept the 3 month cooldown (which as Brian pointed out, you had trouble doing for a game you won barely a few months back without arguing over it the next month). If you don't, then don't. Either way, BenKii unbanned you on the one condition of "good forum conduct" - and this ain't it...
If someone says I suck as a person, and here is alleged proof of how I suck as a person, therefore don't listen to my opinion. That is the absolute text book definition of ad-hominem.

What BrianSim did was a combination strawman and ad-hominem. Saying "reading between the lines" accused me of just being greedy, putting words in my mouth and personally criticizing me in replace of a actual argument regarding what titles should be starred. While ignoring that I had no interest in either title and whether the titles are starred don't effect me. (if you claim it not effecting me means I shouldn't discuss it, that is classic goal post shifting. If I got skin in the game so to speak or not, either way you claim I have no right to discuss it)

And in BrianSims next post it was pure personal attack. "Look, here is all my proof that you suck" that has nothing to do with what games get starred

Like what you did in your last post AB2012. What I have or have not done in the past is utterly irrelevant to the topic of what games should be starred or not. Thus text book ad-hominem. FYI this thread is for discussing give-aways, not criticizing me. This is terrible forum conduct from you AB2012

I have done two things in this thread as of recent. Discuss the topic of what games make sense to be starred and pointed out person attacks and intellectually dishonest arguments against me. Of those it is only the personal attacks against me that are "inappropriate forum conduct".

Now may we please get back to the topic? I have made my case regarding what games should be starred. That is popular games and games one can reasonably expect to be popular are the titles that are best to be starred. Does anyone have any further honest counterpoints that have nothing to do with personal attacks against me?
Post edited August 03, 2024 by myconv
high rated
I do not know why people can be negative about starred games. This giveaway is open to any active GOG user, there is no need to pay for it nor to participate. If someone wants "better" games to show up on the list he/she can donate them.

PS. Mentioning and comparing GOG to other game services in terms of offer, discounts and availability look pointless for anyone who came here not just for the games but also because of GOG's rules.
Post edited August 03, 2024 by Lexor