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I hate visual novels.
Disco Elysium is more a choice and dialogue heavy rpg.
Consider it more akin to Planescape Torment than a VN.
Sachys: I hate visual novels.
Disco Elysium is more a choice and dialogue heavy rpg.
Consider it more akin to Planescape Torment than a VN.
Unfortunately, I still have colorblind issues with Disco Elysium - so it still has a really ugly color palette. However saying that, I don't need to like or play every game. Accessibility doesn't mean making every game accessible to me, just being upfront when it isn't.
OK, let's not make BenKii's work more difficult than it already is. As others have also stated, my advice would be to keep things as simple as possible.
CarChris: OK, let's not make BenKii's work more difficult than it already is. As others have also stated, my advice would be to keep things as simple as possible.
Well, the addition of the starred category and draws definitely doesn't keep things as simple as possible...
Cavalary: Well, the addition of the starred category and draws definitely doesn't keep things as simple as possible...
Sure, but this opposes the other discussed thing about people wanting equal chances to a game, while having other obligations, or different time zones, etc., would prevent them from being on the PC (all the time...) when a new game pops up, which would surely be unfair to them.
The simplest middle solution I see is no starred games and longer cooldown periods, but then again the absence of draws will have the problem I refer to above!
Whatever BenKii decides, taking into account and the Community's most preferred way of doing this...
To be honest, I think it is time to remove the starred secion entirely. Doc clearly stated that he doesn't want his games to be starred (see here).

So either Doc's wishes get disregarded (which is not ok in my book, since he is the most prolific donor of this giveaway in quality and quantity) or the starred category is empty 99% of the time (since most other people only rarely donate expensive high profile games because they can't afford to do so often).

Which essentially means that the starred category is superfluous.
Geralt_of_Rivia: To be honest, I think it is time to remove the starred secion entirely. Doc clearly stated that he doesn't want his games to be starred (see here).
In my humble opinion, I think that Doc did not want to say that. People were talking about adding most of Doc's games into the Starred category, and Doc said that he didn't think (or want) that most of his games should be starred.
Post edited February 14, 2024 by maestroruffy
How about letting the donor of the key decide in which category his donation should fall?

If the donor doesn't want to categorize, the key may count to the standard category, to keep things simple.
Post edited February 14, 2024 by Ueber
I do not know how BenKii is managing (internally) the starred category.... But I suppose that if someone asks Benkii to put a game in a category, he will not have any problem to do it. But if the donor does not say anything, I think Benkii should be the person who decides. To sum up, I think that the person who is in charge of community giveaway, Benkii, should be able to manage or organize the giveaway in the best way to spread the donor's goodwill with the fellow Goglodytes.
Just my 2 cents.

Anything over $26 should be starred. Anything under should go into regular group.

Why specifically $26? Because most games under that are normal to most people. Higher than, is usually premium.
high rated
User's approved
Can you please stop copying and pasting this typo? Its driving me nut's.
Ueber: How about letting the donor of the key decide in which category his donation should fall?
BenKii is a very reasonable and personable person. I have no doubt that if the donor made a clear request for it to be placed in a certain category, that BenKii would oblige.
high rated

User's approved
Ice_Mage: Can you please stop copying and pasting this typo? Its driving me nut's.
You want to know the really crazy part? I type it out each time. And every time, I put that apostrophe there. I don't know why I keep doing it, but it is improper usage. Users approved (plural). Good. User's approved (singular possessive). Bad. My Mom taught grammar and she'd slapped me upside the head if she knew I was continuing to make this mistake. >_<
high rated
Ice_Mage: nut's
+1 for sneaking this one in there ^^

BenKii: You want to know the really crazy part? I type it out each time.
Another +1 for this one :P
Ueber: How about letting the donor of the key decide in which category his donation should fall?
Braggadar: BenKii is a very reasonable and personable person. I have no doubt that if the donor made a clear request for it to be placed in a certain category, that BenKii would oblige.
I don't suggest this option because of BenKiis decisions, but to seperate such discussions from his work to maintain the giveaway. If he is not the responsible person to categorize the keys, he does not have to discuss such decisions and won't have defend his decisions. It is just meant to lessen the work he has to do.

Honestly for me it does not matter if there are categories and which keys are in which categories.
Post edited February 15, 2024 by Ueber