AlexTerranova: Current version of the Community Giveaway has come to its end. The Discord alternative is not acceptable for many GOG users due to privacy concerns and other reasons.
However, we can continue GOG Community Giveaway tradition on forums in the classic format. I suggest to discuss the following matters:
1. Do we actually want the Community Giveaway?
2. How rules can be improved and clarified.
3. How the maintainer's work ( key management, eligibility checks ) can be made easier.
4. Who will become a new giveaway maintainer. Maybe we need more than one person for this role?
My personal thoughts:
1. Yes, it's a nice tradition and a good opportunity to try new games.
2.1. I think, eligibility criteria should be written clearer. So user will have less doubts before asking for a key. And it will save maintainer's time.
2.2. Edited requests should be strictly prohibited. It will prevent possible hijacking of games requested in later posts. And encourage users to check their request before posting.
2.3. Start new month at midnight UTC. I suppose, it is convenient for most of people.
3.1. Write guidelines, how to determine if the game is still available, when there is a long queue of requests. Encourage users to actually read and follow them.
3.2. Develop a web-application, which will store information about available games and made requests. It can be used for partial automation of maintainer's work. And indicate to everyone, that a particular key has been requested already.
1. I think most people would like to have free games (me included). However, I would like to point out that the whole idea of Community Giveaway was to countenance said community on GOG forum. While it's good for people who are active on the forum to have something for their effort, I'm not sure how I feel this kind of incentive being counterbalanced by GOG itself and admins' actions that as of late aren't very supportive of the community.
2.1 While having clear criteria for paticipation in giveaway is good, I would like to point out that most of denied requests were made by people, who haven't read the rules at all.
2.2 I think editing request was forbidden already.
3.1 Again, the problem is that new people just post requests without reading.
3.2 That would be cool.