myconv: I wonder how anyone would know if people would get behind them to run a group GA.
Braggadar: Earning the trust of, and making friends with those willing to donate is a good start. If you can't get enough keys donated to run something then chances are you don't have wide community support.
A very highly active and constructive presence on the forum would be good too.
Bingo! Trust is everything, as in control-free digital ownership
that many of us pursuit
Personally, the convolute process of "ranking" donations
among "bad" & "good" its a clear signal to me to stay away (donating & taking)
Why? I consider ALL donations valuable: Remember, trust!
Is not the primary goal of a donation based giveaway to SHARE?
I trust people are sharing what they can, when they can,
always with constructive reasons to donate (not necessarily public to be valid),
& everyone of us being happy on every moment:
Damn, even when we are not the direct receivers of the gifts!
Besides: What the hell defines "bad" & "good"? Price tags?!
The stores-manipulated rating systems?! Come on, give me a break!!
BUT, If envy, comparissons & decline of donations show up,
well... to me its a signal the primary goal is not happening
Better to ask everyone to be honest themselves in their own privacy
with the misalignment of expectations:
("I must receive the same $ amount than the $ amount I donate!" "I am entitled to be the first to pick!" "A month must be closed/opened using my home city Kathmandu timezone! and make as many exceptions as the hiccups happening ONLY to me!" "Bahh, remove all that crap vgames offer from my sight & give me the good ones!" "I am entitled to receive more vgames than anyone else: I belong to the select founders group of this forum!" "Why am I receiving less vgames than XuserX?" "Why are newcomers accepted & worse: Let them request vgames?, They should prove their worth Nx5 times first!" and so forth as examples...)
Better, take self-responsibility:
Stop pretending to be part of a trust/generosity/donation community movement
& purchase your own vgames!
There you will find absolute pleasing of yours
about the genres, titles, pricing, time to research your picks...
hell... even control the exact date & time of reception!!
BUT of course: It requires the personal money to pay the caprices!! XD
AND it does not open your heart nor builds friendship: Loneliness at its prime
ANYWAY, on the other side:
Whoever willing to donate, can organize their own GA quick thread
so not a total show stopper to the generous people really willing to share! :D
Yep people, you can call me a weirdo for thinking that way
About the Syn-Vapor & non-GOG keys TLDR: The non-GOG GA would be a risky move
It could be deleted/locked by arbitrary criteria
applied based on the "advertising" CoC rule
Long version I let myself to remind this discussion
the story of why it got an exile:
In an irrational furious move, the forum OWNERS (you can figure who)
unilateraly decided to delete threads, lock threads,
silently adding a new rule to the CoC without promptly notification
"Selling (including real-life or in-game trading), advertising, referrals, links to other stores, auctioning - unless this applies to giveaways."
And enforce it arbitrarily under a campaign of banning menace
to whoever not following the CoC
finkleroy (the GA host at that time) did not take long
to notice the non-GOG GA would become -an easy target- to the new "CoC rule"
& moved it elsewhere (Discord) before the irrational furious move touched it
What?! Is not that the way the story goes?
Alright, dont believe me, forge yourself an opinion going back
checking the forum activity especially between 01Apr2022 & 08Apr2022
A few relevant threads to me: If you belong to the priviledged ones receiving PM replies
from the moderators, you might even discover the coherence
of why some offenders got locked, why non-offenders were also locked,
why some got a reason while others not, etcetera
About the community GA organizer/host For the consideration of all of you
I have learned the community must evaluate the candidates. I know,
-when a fellow offers as a volunteer is a huge valuable act
considering the hosting is a non paid DAUNTING labor-
and all the candidates & hosts past-present&future
have my full respect & gratitude starting right there
My point is: The community is providing the organizer
the control over the future of the GA & its full support (because we do, right?)
WHICH is huge valuable as well. Ergo,
We must dont fear/hesitate to wait/evaluate until finding the perfect host