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gogtrial34987: Here's something the rules don't cover: nominations for a starred game
I'd say in the case of a starred game nomination if they don't officially confirm before the draw happens then they don't have a ticket. If this is how the rules go, people should then consider that nominations for draws are basically worthless, and instead they should just personally message the user to tell them a draw is on and let them enter themselves for it. There are no limits to the number of people who enter for a draw, so "saving a seat" doesn't really make sense.
gogtrial34987: Here's something the rules don't cover: nominations for a starred game
Actually, the rules ( 1. - 14. ) do not cover draws at all. "Announcements" are not rules by definition. At this moment giveaway regulation has become a total mess.
Post edited July 05, 2023 by AlexTerranova
Braggadar: I'd say in the case of a starred game nomination if they don't officially confirm before the draw happens then they don't have a ticket ... and instead they should just personally message the user to tell them a draw is on and let them enter themselves for it.
I would agree with this. If nominations are accepted for the draw, then the person must accept before the draw deadline or not be included. Even with a nomination a PM will need to be sent to inform the person, so one might as well just tell them about the draw and let them enter for themself.

If the draws are liked and continue, then I also like the 48-72 hour draw deadlines. As can be seen in the thread there are several community members who are entering in a draw after the 24 hour mark. Often GOG community members can be active and helpful without being obsessive about checking in multiple times a day. The 48-72 hour limit seems more fair. Actually, another way to look at these draws are like a mini Doc-fightclub arena, without the imaginative scenes - unless BenKii wants to spice up and narrate his (holodeck?) dice rolls! ;)
Looks like Planet of Lana - Goodie Pack disappeared from the store again. It should probably be moved from the spreadsheet to the Past Freebies section of post 2.
Ice_Mage: Looks like Planet of Lana - Goodie Pack disappeared from the store again. It should probably be moved from the spreadsheet to the Past Freebies section of post 2.
So the Starred games appear to be a huge success so I'm thinking about making it a permanent rule going into August. What did everyone else think about it? Was it more fair with a few drawings sprinkled in?
As one of the winners, I am not credible in my opinion of Starred games.
However, I think it's a good and interesting rule.
But, before making it permanent, I would try it for a bit longer, say 2 more months?
BenKii: So the Starred games appear to be a huge success so I'm thinking about making it a permanent rule going into August. What did everyone else think about it? Was it more fair with a few drawings sprinkled in?
My stance remains a firm hell no and always will.
I think the starred games would be some option to continue but only if no other new games will appear on the list at the same time.

If I can see two games I would like to play, one starred and the other normal, then even I would like to play that starred one more then I would always select normal one, because selecting starred will probably end me with no game at all because of starred's waiting time for the winners selection.

According to what I typed above, I think starred games could be primary taken by "random" people who do not want any game (they are just "taking a chance in a draw"), not by people who want some specific game to play it. I know, my theory is twisted, but it's the way I can see it and it takes me away from starred games as a good option.
Post edited July 30, 2023 by Lexor
BenKii: What did everyone else think about it?
I'm still on board with the concept. The choice of games I found a bit eyebrow-raising. I wouldn't consider something on sale for less than 5€ a big-ticket item. This isn't necessarily a complaint, but if popularity is the only metric, then you might as well hold draws for 1€ games like Thief and Deus Ex, and that just seems silly.
BenKii: So the Starred games appear to be a huge success so I'm thinking about making it a permanent rule going into August. What did everyone else think about it? Was it more fair with a few drawings sprinkled in?
No, I still think the giveaway is better without drawings and I still say that as one of the winners of the first drawing. I completely agree with Lexor that the drawings only attract people who are just taking a chance.
I have the opposite opinion. Thanks to the draw, I had a chance to get the game I've been looking for for a long time - I was second with my post, and thanks only to a new rule I could finally get it. It was so important to me that I took risk and consciously did not choose another game from the general pool, which I also wanted to get.
I don't remember if I said it here or in another thread, but I always was a supporter of random draws, far before the star rule.
If I was running the giveaway, all games except the daggered ones would be given this way. I'd make one update each week at most and select who gets what after rolling some dice.
I completely agree with KillingMoon, this rule discourages people just reaching for the first thing they can grab while keeping more chances open for others. "First come first served" is never fair, it's always a rush to be early.
I've said it before, but...

... I just don't like drawings.

And not to be dramatic, but their addition to the giveaway thread has generally discouraged me from looking at the thread altogether.
I more or less agree with Enebias. The more starred games, the better, as long as it strikes a balance that is convenient for you.
Post edited July 31, 2023 by mrkgnao