So, I know I have little stake in this despite being an active GOG user for 4+ years (I know it is short compared to many of you). I don't know the reason for the split, but I'm sure there are reasons.
As one who has greatly benefitted from both giveaways
1. THANK YOU to finkleroy & zeogold (and those who went before) for their hours of often-thankless work running these giveaways, and to all those who donated keys.
2. If the discord becomes largely non-GOG keys and another only-GOG-keys giveaway spawns here, I see little benefit to having any sort of ban such that users from one are unable to access the other.
I've had a discord account and have never had to give out my phone number to create an account, though some servers require a phone number added to your account in order to chat on that individual server.
That said, I have no desire to give my phone number to discord.
GOG-keys are great because the very fact that they are on GOG means you get the installer, you own --not rent--a copy of the game, and the ownership of the game isn't tied solely to your remaining in good standing with the hosting company,
Bler? is 100% right that (aside from a few generous souls), the non-GOG giveaway appears--not is, but appears-- to sometimes be what might be termed "bundle leftovers." There is no shame to this, in my opinion. Certain other websites sell bundles, and while you might want one game from it enough to buy the bundle, you now have a few "leftover" keys collecting virtual dust doing no one--except maybe the dev--any good whatsoever. (I'd argue that having their game sitting on your shelf doesn't do the dev any good either, because if it is a decent game, the dev's reputation would increase, and therefore sales of other games by them might also increase.)
Well, the non-gog giveaway thread is a nice spot to give some of these extra keys. I make no claims to have given any sort of meaningful amount of keys, because I know I haven't I've gifted one or two to the pot, but I honestly don't know if anyone took them or if they are still in Finkleroy's pot. I'm NOT tooting my horn, but just stating that from personal experience the few keys that got given to the non-GOG giveaway tended to be the keys I didn't want for myself.
I'm NOT saying this is the case for everyone. On the contrary, there are some generous souls who give stuff month after month after month that wasn't in any bundle I was aware of. And I do appreciate it.
Contrast this with GOG keys which, with one or two exceptions all were purchased here, and tend to fly out the door if it wasn't a key for a freebie here. These are frankly more valuable than a non-GOG key, not only because they cost more, but also because they tend to be DRM-free.
So, all that to say, as one who benefits from both threads, but who is also shamed to say he rarely has extra resources to give to others, I would not personally care to keep people (especially active GOG posters) out of one giveaway (here or discord) just because they took a key from the other one. I do like the rule about only taking GOG keys for oneself. My family members have also tremendously benefited from some of the games on the non-GOG giveaway and have repeatedly thanked me for it.
TL;DR sorry for this long ramble. I'll shut up now.
Post edited April 09, 2022 by Microfish_1