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B1tF1ghter: A line has to be drawn somewhere - where is entirely up to the giveaway administrator of given giveaway edition.
I know for a fact in the past editions some administrators had supremely mind-bogglingly permissive approach to this, with results you could imagine.
I also understand that the current admin, BenKii, wants to keep positive attitude and a welcoming community - however there are lines to not cross, and there's only so much "benefit of a doubt" one can give...
I personally have disagreed with some of BenKii's decisions in the past and would personally react more harshly and directly in some cases...
It is just a little remark. To put the line is not an easy task, indeed you are going to make a mistake. You have put an interesting example and it does serve as food for thought. But I do not totally agree that this line is so easy to put. Have u read Les Misérables (Victor Hugo)? it talks about a the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean, that have crossed several lines. He wasn't a good person, he didn't deserve a second opportunity. However, a priest, gave him a second opportunity saving him from being arrested and that inspired him to change his ways. Because of that, he became a force for good in the world.

For me, it was not a mistake to give a person a second opportunity. I know that this is a giveaway, I know that it's very difficult to change a person, but I prefer to have this door open. If we don't try to make a better world, we will fail
maestroruffy: It is just a little remark. To put the line is not an easy task, indeed you are going to make a mistake. You have put an interesting example and it does serve as food for thought. But I do not totally agree that this line is so easy to put. Have u read Les Misérables (Victor Hugo)? it talks about a the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean, that have crossed several lines. He wasn't a good person, he didn't deserve a second opportunity. However, a priest, gave him a second opportunity saving him from being arrested and that inspired him to change his ways. Because of that, he became a force for good in the world.

For me, it was not a mistake to give a person a second opportunity. I know that this is a giveaway, I know that it's very difficult to change a person, but I prefer to have this door open. If we don't try to make a better world, we will fail
I totally, totally, and totally agree, and +1. However, from the banned person's after-ban answers and comments, one could safely surmise that he wouldn't change no matter what. To also remind that there's another person who was banned from the previous Giveaway administrator, for some continuous comments (not swearing though, even after he was banned), that I was strongly in favor of canceling his ban from the current administrator. It seems that this person changed for the better. So, I think it's how you react to the difficult/pressured moment, that shows what kind of person you really are.
Post edited January 31, 2025 by CarChris
Cavalary: pressing the matter to a level that at least matched the worst examples I can think of at the moment. Admittedly, said examples have been greenlighted since, one of them after a previous ban being lifted
B1tF1ghter: Are you referring to an extremely xenophobic ( on multiple platforms! ) individual calling for deaths of all citizens of an entire nation?

Or are you referring to another account "definitely not an alt", with a "definitely not an open TAUNT of lack of GOG moderation" kind of nickname and a straight-outta-porno profile avatar?

Neither of who are permanently banned from this giveaway you say?
Neither, and you know my stance on that topic.
I'm sorry for the delay - but I have a life and was busy on the weekend and I am not terminally online anyway so...
So as a matter of a fact - I am not sorry at all :P

But alas...

B1tF1ghter: Are you referring to an extremely xenophobic ( on multiple platforms! ) individual calling for deaths of all citizens of an entire nation?

Or are you referring to another account "definitely not an alt", with a "definitely not an open TAUNT of lack of GOG moderation" kind of nickname and a straight-outta-porno profile avatar?

Neither of who are permanently banned from this giveaway you say?
Cavalary: Neither, and you know my stance on that topic.
Yes, of course, enjoy your double standards! ^__^

CarChris: from the banned person's after-ban answers and comments, one could safely surmise that he wouldn't change no matter what
Yeah - this is the thing:
An giveaway administrator ( not referring to any in particular atm ) can act like a pushover and go way beyond what could be considered "good taste" level of benefit of a doubt - but if a banned person then goes out of their way after the ban to then unapologetically double down on it it's safe to say the ban was rightful...
Enough is enough.
But ironically I know there are... "some"... people in this forum, some of whom are actively participating in the giveaway, who would actively defend such a person anyway - I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I lived long enough on this forsaken planet for this to not surprise me at all.
I'm just... dissappointed... -__-

CarChris: So, I think it's how you react to the difficult/pressured moment, that shows what kind of person you really are.
There's more to this than that. I don't know how could I possibly summarise library-loads of psychology books ( incl criminal psychology books on pathalogical and narcissistic behaviours ) so I will just do a jarring TLDR of:
" people are capable of being deceptive more than you think ".

maestroruffy: It is just a little remark. To put the line is not an easy task, indeed you are going to make a mistake.
" indeed " ??
I did not say anything about any past "mistakes", so I don't know what you're implying here...
I only know of one false positive ban from the past ( not even this edition ) - and it wasn't a "mistake" nor an "accident" - it was a full blown double-standards-infused administrator powertrip of trying to silence criticism when it was due...
But alas...

maestroruffy: You have put an interesting example and it does serve as food for thought. But I do not totally agree that this line is so easy to put.
Agree? And when did I say it was "easy"? I didn't.

maestroruffy: Les Misérables (Victor Hugo)? it talks about a the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean, that have crossed several lines. He wasn't a good person, he didn't deserve a second opportunity. However, a priest, gave him a second opportunity saving him from being arrested and that inspired him to change his ways. Because of that, he became a force for good in the world.
This is >> NOT << meant to offend you but...
Are you trolling?
Or are you seriously THIS delusional to seriously believe this is an applicable example?!
Do you seriously believe that?
Or are you perhaps being extremely sarcastic to the point said sarcasm could be mistaken for you actually believing it??

What you cited is so outrageously irrelevant it's not even funny. It's like SATIRE...
Like... surely you cannot be serious...

Do you know what's wrong with your example?
Let me give you an benefit of a doubt and dumb this down for you:

Games are not an essential good. They are NOT necessary for life!
They are a LUXURY, NOT a necessity.
It's NOT like food, water, shelter, medical necessities, sanitary necessities, bare minimum necessary clothes, etc.
Games, are a form of art and an escape from reality - like dreams, but more interactive - they are N O T NECESSARY for life!
You may lie to us, you may lie to others, you may even lie to yourself - but the truth is: they are >> NOT << a necessity!
NOONE is entitled to ANYTHING in this giveaway!
Simple as that!

By giving some stranger a game in this giveaway you are NOT saving their life ( eg saving them from death from starvation, by giving them food when in need ) - you are giving them essentially an interactive toy - a freaking game - nothing less but also nothing more.

This is a game giveaway - NOT a homeless shelter, charitable life-saving organisation, free hospital, food bank, Red Crescent / Cross free medical care, a completely unbiased good Samaritan with zero ulterior motives, some miracle worker, an angel descended from another dimension to unbiasly heal, or anything else you could imagine.

We are dealing with GAMES here - something "nice to have" - NOT something "necessary for life"!
You DON'T need those to survive! If you do not have financial standing to buy a game yourself, then you don't buy it. You DON'T get your life situation worse. You JUST loose out on a game! A form of interactive entertainment. Not a life necessity!
If you don't play a game - well that's too bad - but it's not the end of the world, NOR would it negatively impact your life in a DIRECT way.
I repeat:
games are "nice to have" but NOONE is entitled to ANY in this giveaway!

Comparing this game giveaway in ANY way to Les Miserables is a b s u r d e...

maestroruffy: For me, it was not a mistake to give a person a second opportunity. I know that this is a giveaway, I know that it's very difficult to change a person, but I prefer to have this door open. If we don't try to make a better world, we will fail
If this is the takeway from this whole situation for you then you don't know s**t about narcissists and their deception tactics... No offence!
You will not "change a narcissist" ( or a sociopath, or ... ) - they won't change by LITERALLY giving in to their demands ( eg: giving them a pile of free games for no reason at all ) - they will take advantage of your merciful weakness, they may even PRETEND to change, but they won't change.
They will abuse your generosity.
They will do things, because they see they can get away with it.
THAT is how people like that operate.
Make no mistake - you are not "fixing" someone - you are being played...
BenKii: I don't think (ø,ø) did anything wrong going through old posts on Steam. Nothing that I wouldn't have done trying to research a person's conduct.
This is being the dirty underhanded sort of things done by miscreants on social medias. Carefully scrutnizing potential winners is being fine and one thing, purposefully going through very old online posts is being another also borderline obsessive and creepy.
Post edited February 05, 2025 by FarkyTheDog
Post edited February 05, 2025 by FarkyTheDog
high rated
FarkyTheDog: Carefully scrutnizing potential winners is being fine and one thing, purposefully going through very old online posts is being another also borderline obsessive and creepy.
The problem posts were made in November 2024. How does that qualify as "very old online posts"? They're as "old" as your alt account
direspirefirewire: The problem posts were made in November 2024. How does that qualify as "very old online posts"?
Stupid words people spout shouldn't be any concern for being given a game. They are not humanitarian awards. Peoples should addressing their own faults before judging others. Stones and glass houses.
Post edited February 05, 2025 by FarkyTheDog
FarkyTheDog: They are not humanitarian awards.
"humanitarian"? is it like "vegetarian" but abt humans?
LynXsh: "humanitarian"? is it like "vegetarian" but abt humans?
Some people acting like vegetables I guess?
FarkyTheDog: Carefully scrutnizing potential winners is being fine and one thing, purposefully going through very old online posts is being another also borderline obsessive and creepy.
direspirefirewire: The problem posts were made in November 2024. How does that qualify as "very old online posts"? They're as "old" as your alt account
Ba dum tss!
BenKii: I don't think (ø,ø) did anything wrong going through old posts on Steam. Nothing that I wouldn't have done trying to research a person's conduct.
FarkyTheDog: This is being the dirty underhanded sort of things done by miscreants on social medias. Carefully scrutnizing potential winners is being fine and one thing, purposefully going through very old online posts is being another also borderline obsessive and creepy.
Hey butter cheeks, you are posting this on the i n t e r n e t.
The Steam posts in question aren't PMs or from private group chats - they are public posts that ANYONE with access to the internet can see at ANY time - WITHOUT needing a Steam account.
And these GOG posts you are keyboard warrior-ing around right now - those can too, be seen WITHOUT a GOG account.

Steam "post history" until LITERALLY RECENTLY was 100% publicly visible without a Steam account - I personally don't understand Valve's reasoning for restricting this recently to login-only - but alas... it was always just a "convenience of having a list under 1 central url", nothing more.
EVEN AFTER that change ALL the posts can STILL be seen w/o a Steam account. They WILL also show up on search engines ( eg Google ) without a problem as the Steam forum ( and GOG alike ) are NOT on a robots txt exclusion file...

Those are public forums for crying out loud!

By posting on a public forum you automatically resign any rights to "privacy".
Welcome to the internet! ^__^

FarkyTheDog: borderline obsessive and creepy
Such would be for "example" telling somebody to literally "end themselves" life-wise, simply because of disliking their take online...
For "example" with a hammer...

FarkyTheDog: Stupid words people spout shouldn't be any concern for being given a game.
This is a private community giveaway - don't like the rules? - get out.
Even a public giveaway from corpo ( eg Razer ) has rules - don't like the rules? - too bad, if you want to participate, you have to comply.
Don't want to comply? - don't participate.
You behaving like a K a r e n on the internet won't help you.
And you using alt accounts to shit talk people here doesn't make you look in any way "better".

FarkyTheDog: They are not humanitarian awards
As such - you have ZERO rights of entitlement to them.

FarkyTheDog: Peoples should addressing their own faults before judging others.
Yet here you are judging others for doing their due dilligence.
How ironic...

FarkyTheDog: Stones and glass houses.
That would be your ego ;)
Hey all, I can see that this conversation went a bit off the rails lately. Please keep it on topic. I'll revisit the thread later and apply appropriate moderation action where needed. Thank you.
king_kunat: Hey all, I can see that this conversation went a bit off the rails lately. Please keep it on topic. I'll revisit the thread later and apply appropriate moderation action where needed. Thank you.
Hi, I hope your day is going great! ;)

I have a comment and a request.

The comment comes first:

The purpose of this here thread is to:
- discuss the tradition of the giveaway ( ALL editions thereof ), any and ALL feedback welcome, that includes RULES, their changes, their APPLICATION, new IDEAS, etc
- transparency reports of giveaway administration, any community insight into administrator's actions, etc
- resolving problems within the giveaway
- complaints filing reg the giveaway
- any other matters reg giveaway requring public discussion
- any giveaway related discussions that don't belong in the main giveaway thread

Last several pages of this thread contain exclusively ON-TOPIC posts.
Your comment of "discussion going off-topic" is truly bizzare...

I hereby kindly formally request that for the sake of transparency as well as general sake of keeping good PR with the community, you provide exact list of posts and exact justification for moderation, with exact quotes and exact explanations as for the reasons of moderation.
Thank you in advance ^__^
high rated
direspirefirewire: The problem posts were made in November 2024. How does that qualify as "very old online posts"?
FarkyTheDog: Stupid words people spout shouldn't be any concern for being given a game. They are not humanitarian awards. Peoples should addressing their own faults before judging others. Stones and glass houses.
The community giveaway is intended to reward people for adding to the community.
Whether you helping people with problems and bugs or just reminiscing about old games. The point is to make this a nice place to hang around for everybody. Threatening people with bodily harm because you disagree is not a good direction.