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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
doomer: I wish to request some features, I think everyone can share opinions to do a better services to all of us
My suggestion:
- accept credit card AMEX and PayPal
- subscription manager and downloader application, like Steam ;)
- better Chrome browser compatibility

I'd have to disagree with the Steam idea... I know there's already been some discussion, but I'd like to add another tick to those who don't think a thick-client app could add any value to what's already on the web, other than all of the "not cool" stuff that the Steam daemon does, including DRM.
Also... I don't think GOG should be coding to Chrome, as Chrome is a beta browser and will likely render better with future revisions. I'm using Opera (which is fairly strict about web standard compliance) and I'm not having any issues with the website.
cubicu07: 1. Removing the IP check on downloads would be nice, since my ISP runs a intercepting proxy, I have no luck in downloading any of the 3 games I bought.
2. A "friends" feature
3. A non-compulsory bare-bone download manager which displays the list of games you own, downloads the games and resume downloads.
4. Video previews of games
5. Box Art images
6. An option to convert our old games to GOG versions?

I've already commented disfavorably on #3, but I think the other ideas are excellent.
A friends feature would further the "community" features of this website... I know it's beta, but a vanilla forum isn't exactly a breakthrough in terms of community. Friends would help.
Video previews would go a long way into seeing the gameplay elements of a game.
As for box art... do you mean original box art? I can see why that would be cool. I make a half-hearted attempt to have all my games show up in Vista's Game Explorer, and I like to have box art when I can.
I don't think it would be possible to convert old games, as I'm sure it would be difficult to automate whatever GOG does to the source of these games to get them up-to-date. Definitely would be cool though, because I have a lot of old games that I've already bought that may appear here after time...
...Having said that though, I (and I'm sure others) have no problem paying for a game that I already own provided that the added value is there. In this case, Vista-compatibility, support and some add-ons. Even if there was a way to convert old games we currently own, I'd still want to pay GOG for the conversion... and if games are $6 anyway, I don't see much of a point.
I would love to see Mac compatibility. But that's my only complaint so far.
Hey - like the new front page - flash kicks ass! :)
Just a small thing. I posted yesterday with a problem, so I marked it as a problem. Now when it get's solved, you're meant to mark the post with the solution so it is shown as solved. I got a reply from support and then posted the fix myself, but am unable to mark my thread as 'Fixed' as I can't mark my own posts as a solution. just a suggestion that you make it possible to mark your own posts as solutions. Help to keep everything clean.
without reading any of the other posts:
a recommended section, where you can fill out little questionaires and rate the previous games you've played/owned and then get recommendations based on those games.
I realize a lot of you are asking for PayPal, and realistically, this may not happen. There are tons of horror stories you can find on the net about issues with PayPal, and a good portion of them probably are true.
The only way we'll ever see PayPal is if not allowing its use will become a big deterrent to sales, or if it's something they decide to tack on five years from now.
So really, I'd be surprised if it happened any time soon.
Now, as far as a features wish list goes, I think it would be nice if some Wine compatibly testing was done for our Linux lovers so they know which games are compatible. While maybe a small market, it does go a long way to establishing some love from the geek community.
Kneo24: I realize a lot of you are asking for PayPal, and realistically, this may not happen. There are tons of horror stories you can find on the net about issues with PayPal, and a good portion of them probably are true.
The only way we'll ever see PayPal is if not allowing its use will become a big deterrent to sales, or if it's something they decide to tack on five years from now.
So really, I'd be surprised if it happened any time soon.
Now, as far as a features wish list goes, I think it would be nice if some Wine compatibly testing was done for our Linux lovers so they know which games are compatible. While maybe a small market, it does go a long way to establishing some love from the geek community.

This the reason why I entered the "preview" of GOG. If you could just have a little symbol or scoring system for Linux WINE compatibility, possibly with a link to configuration instructions, you'd be scoring quite some geek love points, plus I wouldn't have to go hunting for an old copy of windows 2k to play some of the great games I missed in college!
I'd like to second the idea of having a "Discuss this game" link on the game page that links to the game specific-subforum.
Also, somebody mentioned Linux/WINE compatibility ratings. As a long time Linux user and heavy WINE user, I can say don't do this, you don't have to, there's already a site for this. It's called the WINE AppDB. If anybody uses GOG games under WINE, post the info there and do us all a favor. Don't bother the GOG folks about it.
Get forums to closer to phpBB standards, like something symbolising new post in thread, adding 'last post from user: ......', so user can better recognise new posts, instead of remembering number of post to each topic...
Have you ever seen Steam aaand gifts? Well, something like that... Would be great
Download manager, maybe, but I could do without one... Oh, and filters on 'my games' page
Paypal please.
Since yes, this is a beta, can we get a developer blog, with a list of changes coming, being worked on, etc?
Yep PayPal would be great as well and having the ability to use American Express credit card as well.
Another idea would be the chance to buy or load so much or any amount of funds to your account like $50.00 or even $100.00 to your account which you could use as a debit type of system would also be awesome.
yeah, a multiplayer matchup system, so you can find people playing the same game for teh online multiplayers
also, for us newbs, older games are sometimes the inspiration for newer games, and if we're familiar with one game, that could give us insight to another.
my local used gamestore (not a big chain) has little reviews for most of their games, and why they're recommended, saying normally stuff like 'plays like x game' or 'comes from x game' or stuff like that, maybe referring to the content inside being pretty good.
I have already noticed there are like reviews, and I think that's pretty good. the reviews for 1nsane almost got me to buy it, but I need a little more info. If anything that is where Steam let me down, I bought red front ost orchestra or whatever it's called because it sounded like it was an unreal tournament type of game, but no, it was more like a crappy Day of Defeat. anyway, a little more information and maybe access to demo content would be fantastic.
also, if you could somehow get the leaked tech demo for fallout vanburen.. hehehe.
Post edited September 12, 2008 by Weclock
demo of games, and bundles like getting Fallout 1,2,3 in one cheap price.