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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Once again, how about anything from here:
Post edited February 09, 2019 by TzarHar
Is there a way to tell when one of the games you voted on via wish list was actually granted? As in which one was granted? Because there is a notation bottom right saying how many you voted on and if some were actually granted or not. How do you tell which ones were ?
Post edited February 09, 2019 by Kelefane
Kelefane: Is there a way to tell when one of the games you voted on via wish list was actually granted? As in which one was granted? Because there is a notation bottom right saying how many you voted on and if some were actually granted or not. How do you tell which ones were ?
GOG is not a genie granting wishes. They sell games if they're allowed too and if think it's worthwhile. This decision making process is not made public.
What's wrong with checking the website regularly for new releases?
Post edited February 09, 2019 by teceem
Quality of life man, quality of life.
I wish they had more sophisticated or boolean sorting functions.

For example sort sales by price, sort sales by discount percentage, exclude DLC, show freebies without DLC, etc.

Another feature I would love would be getting rid of the ‘share on facebook’ “functionality” everytime I buy something.

In the vein of FCK DRM, which was launched and promoted by GOG: FCK Facebook.
Post edited February 10, 2019 by 4-vektor
This wish needs much more votes, come on Goglodytes! >>>

I had the same idea and searched for already existing wishes, the wish above is the only entry I found regarding this topic.
I wish a portuguese version of GOG.COM