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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
A way to "hide" games that I've purchased. (so I'm not constantly reminded of all the games I've purchased but not finished).
rabblevox: A way to "hide" games that I've purchased. (so I'm not constantly reminded of all the games I've purchased but not finished).
Hehe . . . your wish is granted . . . =)

see attached
Posted elsewhere in the forum before finding this thread. Sorry if you already read it.... here it is again =) Ignore the steam critique if you want, it doesn't quite fit this thread.

I love GOG and the no DRM policy but a few things I would love to see added to the site:

1. Permanent sale bundle packs that are genre or game series specific. Steam has this for many titles and the sale could be very modest. This is where they often win on price in the US.

2. Open up to casual games. World of Goo belongs here as well as Defense Grid. They are of a different caliber but I think the better casual titles belong. Give them a year to prove themselves quality wise maybe.

3. More new Witcher 2 like titles and you will always get my dollar first. One thing I don't see myself doing is buying a game that I already own and still works on my OS version. Which leaves you with the good old games that I haven't gotten yet (or not supported anymore) market. That, I imagine, will only get harder with games being bought digitally, no scratched discs and bigger market for pushing updates for new OS's.

These and the sometimes insane sale on steam are the only reason I still buy from there. So to be fair now for what steam needs:

1. A no DRM option. Maybe let games go on sale with DRM and have it go away at a preset date.

2. Bundles not making me buy games I already own ON STEAM!! They also won't let you gift the extra game which would possibly be a fair compromise (they only do it for a few games).

Overall I feel GOG wins and I would just like to come here for everything. You got Vamp: Redemption living on my computer again so you can do no real wrong in my book by being the same. I would love to see any of these features show up.
New forum software. Personally I prefer vBulletin, as that is what I am most familiar with, but I'm sure there are other options as well.

I do believe the current forum software is in-house (isn't it?), so a major rework of that could do as well.

Features I would like in the forums, in no particular order:
-Double posting
-Timestamped posts
-PM system
-Multi quote
-Seeing who has the last post in a thread
-Being able to click the number of replies, and see who has posted in the thread + how many posts they have

And probably a good bunch more that I can't think of right now. Will edit when something comes up.
My WIsh for Christmas: Possibility to access the Wishlists of other Goggers
A forum section for every game devoted to non-Windows users.
Destro: This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.

If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
So I didn't realize a thread like this existed - ahem forum search could use some tweaking :) - and so I created a suggestion thread of my own and collected a lot more community suggestion over the course of January. You can find the original thread here. Here is a copy of the OP with all suggestions listed at once:

I. GOGmixes

- List sorting types on Catalogue page: So the at least the list is up and sortable by votes/date added, but there are other sortable parameter like author and date modified.

- Scrollable List: Making the list scrollable (i.e. a separate scroller from the window for the list) would help in GOGmix discovery as opposed to the "More GOGmixes" button - the clicking of which gets annoying after a few times especially given how long the list is.

- Searchable List: This has been one people have asked for practically since the GOGmix's debut. For me, here are the relevant search terms: title, author, "like" range, date range, and game(s) in mix.

- Description of the GOGmix: A short little tagline or small description over why the GOGmix exists (optional) would be nice and would aid in searching if you could search the description. Adds more specificity capable in a title alone.

II. GOG reviews

- Add being sortable by highest/lowest rating

- Searchable by name of reviewer - also I'd like to click on a name and pull up other reviews by that person - perhaps GOG'll add the latter when GOG adds profiles?

III. GOG forums

- Search by name of poster both the OP and posters within the thread - and like the reviews section, making the name clickable so one could see other posts by the author (again maybe something GOG was thinking of doing when adding profiles?)

- option to see a preview of post before adding it

- Create an Off topic forum separate from the General forum. Off topic threads are very important to creating a community and the GOG community seems more mature than most so its off topics aren't the cesspool of inhuman excrement typically found on other game sites. That said, separating the completely off topic threads would give a more organized experience.

IV. GOG bugs

- After submitting tech support for a game, it would be nice if it appeared in a bugzilla like interface where others could find it and add their support to it if they've had the same experience - it stops multiple bug reports for the same bug, gives a nice interface for people to see what bugs are out there already, and to communicate back and forth with GOG members over the bugs.

- Another not entirely incompatible idea is to treat support and feedback like messages between the user and GOG since GOG is going to add messaging to profiles. This way one can keep track of the technical support issues and other to: GOG communication (and of course GOG's replies to any of these) on one's GOG profile.

V. Game Updates

- Speaking of bugs: Sometimes a game gets updated/patched - not always for bugs, but even in general. It would be nice to have a better notification system of games you own being updated: 1) by e-mail, 2) by flags on the main page like "forum reply", 3) flags on the games themselves in the My account section, (4) all options (1) - (3)

- Change logs on either the Game Card and/or the Game info tab in the My Games section.

- Under the Downloads tab - giving the option of installing the latest updated files manually by browser so you don't have to re-download everything on large games

- GOG Updater/Downloader - adding an updater to the GOG Downloader would be great, especially if it could check for updates to your games manually or automatically every X time periods, if it could install the updates to multiple installs of a game at once, and help keep track of the version of each game install.

VI. New Community Suggestions 01/27/11

-forums: fix links (maybe fixed?), remove post length restrictions (fixed?), allow us to delete our own posts/threads, edit the title our own posts, emoticons (especially cool, game-inspired zany ones), and add a formal system to create polls, imbedded pictures with allowing pictures to be viewed as imbedded or in attachments as an option in the forum settings panel, tabbed or multiple posting windows to work on different posts at the same time

-Gift section to profile so you know who gifted you what, when. Adding Interac as a payment option for our Canadian brethren,

- GOG extras available to download through download/as a single manual download, mod database for gog games

-more options in shelf rearrangement (allow blank spaces, move several games at once, more sorting options, etc...), tag the games: wishlisted, not tried, installed, played, finished

-edit reviews

Post edited January 27, 2011 by crazy_dave
Text wrapping in the main forum view for long thread titles so you can actually see all of the title.
a in-browser chatroom from which we can quickly have a discussion with fellow'ers about games, games we are playing, GOG's we are thinking of getting or asking for tips or hints while playing some games.

I would also like a community tab for each game on the game page that lists popular mods/projects that relate to the game (such as a link to eDuke32 for Duke Nukem, or unnofficial fix-packs for Baldurs gate, etc)
Is it just me or do reviews always come out without linebreaks, even if you put double ones in? If it isn't just my browser, that'd be a good thing to fix.
Post edited January 28, 2011 by Export
- Something to make Collectors' lifes easier
--- option to download a game including extras in a single file. Makes it easier to archive a game.
--- checksums for all files, ideally a text file with checksums for all of a game's files and extras. Makes it possible to check if something's succumbed to bit-rot and also if a file (installer) is still current or should be re-downloaded because of updates.

- Multiple language versions
--- I like to play a game in its original language iff I speak it and in the best available translation otherwise. Trying to find out which translation actually is the better one from reviews can be a real chore - I'd rather have multiple language versions available in one package and just try them out.
Other people might always prefer a localized version.
Dotemu seems to be on the right track on this one.

- Whishlist
--- ability to mark duplicate entries for merging
--- different visual representation for games that GOG actually already has. (Remove the vote count and replace it with "It's here!" and a link to the store page or something.)
Post edited January 28, 2011 by pernegger
pernegger: - Multiple language versions
--- I like to play a game in its original language iff I speak it and in the best available translation otherwise. Trying to find out which translation actually is the better one from reviews can be a real chore - I'd rather have multiple language versions available in one package and just try them out.
Other people might always prefer a localized version.
Dotemu seems to be on the right track on this one.
Some games do have multiple languages included, even if the game page only lists English. See the GOGMix, or the [url=]Multilingual GOGs thread if you also want translation patches (both fan-made and compiled from files of another language version of the game).
Miaghstir: Some games do have multiple languages included, even if the game page only lists English.
Feature request to the PR department: Please *advertise* multiple language versions, if you have them. ;-)
I really would like to see a new payment method in a form of paysafecard. Pretty please!
I'd like to receive an email that alerts me if one of the game in the my wishlist is in promo :)