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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
gbarules2999: Just a little e-mail warning or such that notifies you that new content is available for your game (whether it be a new soundtrack or updated installer) would be great.

That would really come in handy.
I started a new thread asking this, not realising there was already one, so here is the request, as I wrote in my thread:
Just wanted to ask the team at GOG whether it would be possible to add multiple simultaneous connections support to the GOG downloader sometime in the future?
I ask this because in NZ, international bandwidth is expensive, so at peak times/during weekends my ISP often limits any single TCP/UDP connection to about 30-40KB/s. Needless to say, downloading large games is very painful at this speed...
The only way around this is to use a download manager supporting 4+ simultaneous connections so I can get a half decent speed...
*goes back to watching my download of Pro Pinball: Timeshock - only 4-5 hours to go!!*
I'd like to suggest a feature or rather an Application similar to Download Manager that would allow me by pressing single button, copy all my Saved GOG games to online location (it doesn't have to be a part of GOG account although that would be nice too) for easy access in other than home computer (in office for example).
I would like to see the broads function in a way that if you visit a specific board all posts in the board show as already read (i.e. no longer bolded).
It is a pain to have everything stay bolded unless you open it up to read it.
It would be nice to have it reset itself after each session so user would know other new posts have been added even if they did not read the last ones.
I have been trying to keep up selecting ALL posts so I would know when new posts arrive, but it is getting a bit crazy at this point to do that.
There needs to be a better way.
For me this would be at the top of the list to add regarding functionality.
I would like to see sub-boards. For example: Instead of clicking on Tex Murphy Series and getting an amalgamation of all the games posts, I'd like to click on Tex Murphy Series and then see a separate set of boards for Tex Murphy 1+2, Under A Killing Moon, Pandora Directive, and Overseer respectively. This way questions of a particular game will be easier to find, rather than all muddled together.
That 'Add to Wishlist/On My Wishlist' button on the game pages? Having that beside each game on the Games Catalogue List page would be awesome.
haven't read the whole 33 pages obviously, but:
How about the Downloader checking the file for corruption while downloading? For example, after downloading one MB, check that MB for corruption using a hash value or something like that, and if the verification fails, automatically redownload that MB.
I'm downloading Stonekeep for the fifth time now, because the download is always corrupted. Gets a bit annoying...
For the same reason: Add a "restart" or "redownload" option to the downloader.
Post edited July 11, 2009 by matches81
Something minor, yet I think useful: a listing of new reviews on the main page. It's nice we have a "most helpful user-reviews" section, but I'd appreciate if I could check it out which games had a user review most recently.
- a way to 'unrate' post
Maybe I missed it, but currenty it is possible only to rate a post and change your vote from + to - and vice versa. If you rated some post by accident (like me ;) ) you cannot take it back.
more games being bundled would be great, I got my unreal anthology at gamestop for $10 and on gog you have to buy each game seperate for $10 which totals $50 for a $10 product. Also sales would be nice and help with the competition with steam
I dont know if this has been suggested.. but I suggest 'grabpacks'
A lot of the OLDER games requested by people seem almost TOO cheap, or TOO old, to pay $6 for. What if there was 'grabpack' games, smaller ex-DOS games that you grabbed in make it yourself packs,
Like, I dont know, someone chooses some smaller games, say things like diggers, elite, REALLY old DOS games, and they get like 5 for $6. It may not work out, but it is true that it seems a bit odd to pay a full $6 for cannon fodder whle paying the same for something big like Knights and Merchants... just an idea, because I can picture more people would buy the really old games if that happened
Spawned from my replying to a troll in the gay gamers thread, how about a "least favourite topic" option? You can tick a topic you don't want to see anymore and it's automatically sorted to the arse end of the forum when the page is built. Perhaps instead of a heart the icon could be a skull. Would probably need a link to view the least favourites just in case you click the wrong box
SirCabbage: Like, I dont know, someone chooses some smaller games, say things like diggers, elite, REALLY old DOS games, and they get like 5 for $6. It may not work out, but it is true that it seems a bit odd to pay a full $6 for cannon fodder whle paying the same for something big like Knights and Merchants... just an idea, because I can picture more people would buy the really old games if that happened

That'd be a good idea, especially if grouped by year. You can get a 1989's greatest hits collection.
Post edited July 18, 2009 by Aliasalpha
My suggestion from another thread:
"Come to think of, I have a suggestion for the forums, related to the removal of the games.
The current look is like this, we have a list of Favourite forums, and Other forums. I think it would be nicer if we keep the Favourite forums section, and split the Other forums section into two parts. The first, Current/Available Games forum, and the second, Removed/Not Available Games forum, or something like that.
Its a simple cosmetic thing, and I think it will help explain things more to those wondering why forums exist but no such games can't be found on the site."
How about including all the files, including extras, into the downloader version of the exe (if not the regular one)?
Would you all consider hosting mods for the games listed here? If you're not comfortable with that please consider having them as a torrent. You could pick someone in the community to make sure that the files work with the version of the game you have posted.
Supported screen resolutions, running stuff windowed, stretching stuff with & without filters, that sort of thing. Put it with the rest of the info for each game, would you?
GUI elements tend to get less useful, if not downright screwy, for older 3d games on widescreen monitors. Running older 2d games in fullscreen mode via DOSBox (as I'm sure you've noticed a lot og GOG games do), is a great way to crash lots of apps that people (read: idiots like yours truly) might have running in the background. Those two reasons alone are more than enough to make that info pretty critical, and I'm sure there's more.
[Insert various compliments] and thanks in advance for getting this fixed.