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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
It would be handy for a game page to list any other games that are in that franchise that are available for purchase here on GoG. It would also help to point out what number that game is in the series (if not already signified in the title). For example, when on the Simon the Sorcerer 3D page it would say:
"This is the third game in the series. Try these other titles from the same franchise...
- Simon the Sorcerer
- Simon the Sorcerer 2: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe"
Or something similar to do this. I'm sure you'd think of a better way of presenting the information, but hopefully my idea still stands.
I also think it would be good to not install a ScummVM application with your game if you already have the program installed on your system. I know it doesn't take up much space, but every little counts!
Post edited January 20, 2009 by Pinchpenny
Pinchpenny: I also think it would be good to not install a ScummVM application with your game if you already have the program installed on your system. I know it doesn't take up much space, but every little counts!

This sounds reasonable, but I think it is not that high priority. You can get a terabyte of disk storage space for nearly no money at all. So I think we can allow ourselves the luxury of self-contained installers. The less external dependencies as possible, the less worries. After all we're living in the future!
This is a tiny idea regarding the forums. How about a feature that lets you see who is browsing the forums?
Any chance you could add Mafia to the games catalogue!?
OK, this already been asked and it is not realy a priority for you guys but wthe wishlist should realy be revised, here are some recent entries: Sins Of A Solar Empire, Gunstar Heroes, Project Entropia.
Does this make any sense?
Can we request games in this 'features' wish list? If so, I'd really love to see the X Wing series.
Battlezone and Battlezone 2; add those to to the wishlist! Those games would be a great addition to the library & many would love to play them; espeically on our new computers! :D
It was suggested I add this to the features list, it's more of a program suggestion.
Given the number of good old games that had multiplayer that only worked on a LAN (be it from non-routable or unsupported protocols or just because they were desgned that way) or via modem, what would be nice is a GOG specific LAN emulator so people who buy gog games with multiplayer can play them with fellow goggers.
I'm thinking the way this would work would be a small peer to peer network / launcher application that you run before starting the game and establish a connection to a fellow host which will be used through the entire gaming process. Some form of voice chat support would also be bloody nice but it'd be icing rather than cake.
If the application also functioned as a launcher, starting the game from this app could help it identify the program to intercept network traffic from. Those network requests would be captured and re-framed so they are in a routable format with a destination address for a known network.
I reckon it'd be worth the usual $6-10 price
it might not be practical to do everything, especially modem play, but that Hamachi program makes it seem potentially practical and wrapping one protocol inside another shouldn't be that hard. As I said voice chat would be icing but xbox live can do it and you don't want people saying xbox live is better than GOG do you?
Post edited January 22, 2009 by Aliasalpha
Here's an idea, sorry if its been suggested, but how about putting the demos for the games on GoG up - if there are demos/shareware versions available. That way we can try it out and see if we like it.
Choken1: DISCWORLD!!!!!!!

There are plans afoot to release this as freeware under ScummVM
You need that game.. oh and Discworld 2.
For some strange and idiotic reason Discworld 2 has become impossible to play unless you have Win 95. If you guys can make it compatible with a newer OS then I will title you guys as gods.

I think this is planned to be supported with ScummVM
Going through the forums I've noticed that many people make a mistake when rating games they've bought. They give less or more stars than they would like, because they act too fast.
I think it would be good to have an 'undo' option when rating a game. Thing worth considering.
Sim City 4 Deluxe edition would be a very nice game to see added here.
It's not too extremely old but it's been out of print for a while now and is almost impossible to find anywhere now.
Wizardry 7 would be sooo sweet. It's the best DOS game ever made. (well almost)
On wishlist page, there is list of ten most wished gmaes, but what's an 11th, 21th, 51th etc. one? I really miss "next page" icon in that list of most desirde games.