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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
I'm not sure it's been pointed out in the last 19 pages but I'd like to be able to download game demos (when available) through GoG and its downloader. Would be so much easier that way, I just spent 20 minutes looking for a half decent server from which I could download a Giants: Citizen Kabuto demo with a high-speed connection.
+Demos downloadable through the GoG downloader
dandi8: I'm not sure it's been pointed out in the last 19 pages but I'd like to be able to download game demos (when available) through GoG and its downloader. Would be so much easier that way, I just spent 20 minutes looking for a half decent server from which I could download a Giants: Citizen Kabuto demo with a high-speed connection.
+Demos downloadable through the GoG downloader

There's already a topic about the game demos in the general forum, people find them and link them so you don't have to go looking for them yourself, I hope that helps next time. Here is the link. I edited this post 3 times wondering if I was linking properly but apparently I did, nice.
Post edited December 31, 2008 by honorbuddy
Hello GOG team,
I would like for the users to be notified (e.g. by email) of any updates of the purchased games (e.g. new game installer, new bonus content, etc). This way the users will know if they are up to date with the downloaded content.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Post edited January 01, 2009 by TAurusRO
I'd like to be able to sort the games I've bought, so that I can decide whether they'll appear alphabetically or in order of purchase on my account (and any crazy sorting system you can think off, e.g. by rating (my own or overall customer rating), number of relevant forum topics, size of the game etc.).
I would like gog to support MasterCard SecureCode.
My wishist:
+ The ability to create "wishlists" of games already on the site (like those from Amazon, CD Universe)
+ American Express
+ Demos of the games
I would like to see some stickied "Solutions" threads in each of the games' forums for the common problems that have been solved so that way we don't five threads asking the same question.
They could be set up like a FAQ and have a title written in all caps. It would be an easy way to help people solve their own problems.
It'd be great to have an RSS feed for all favourite forums. Keeping track of what's going on would be much easier that way.
I just discovered GOG and think it's a great idea to bring all those old games back to life. However, I'm not going to play old games on my PC much but instead on my gaming handheld.
The Pandora ( ) is a powerful ARM based handheld running Linux. It won't play most of the games GOG offers at this time. However, there are quite a few classic games which have open source engine clones available or which have been made open source. If the GOG game selection starts to include more of these games, it would be great to have them available to buy for the Pandora, packed ready to run. Of course, the same applies to other platforms like desktop Linux, Mac OS and possibly even Windows Mobile devices, iPhones or whatever.
Games that come to mind, a few of them being already available on GOG, others not yet:
-Lucas Arts Adventures (ScummVM)
-Transport Tycoon Deluxe (OpenTTD)
-Descent (& Descent 2)
-id Software FPS games
-Duke Nukem 3D
-Ultima 7 (Exult)
-Marathon 1 & 2 (Aleph One)
-Another World & Flashback (Raw, REminiscence)
Selling very old games for use in an emulator (tested to work and packaged with the emulator) is also an interesting option. For example, Warcraft 2 seems to run well on the Pandora version of DOSbox already.
Of course, it would be even more amazing if GOG could actually work towards creating open source engines for classic games. I'm not talking about writing everything from scratch as that probably would be too expensive to manage but instead supporting existing open source efforts by solving the legal and technical problems that prevent them from being completed. An example would be the FIFE engine which has some support for Fallout 1 & 2 content already but needs some technical and legal support in order to actually make the full games run on it.
Why did you guys remove the online/offline user status indicators?? I kind of liked that feature myself.
I'd love to see some more options of how your handle is seen in the forums.
For example, I'd like to be able to change, in My Settings, hashishen so that it started with an uppercase H.
A trivial matter, but I made a mistake when registering and it would be nice if I could change it now.
I'd love to be able to see on peoples forum posts what games they've bought, obviously this should be optional but i think it would be fun to see who's bought what
Here's a mockup i made in case you don't understand what i mean
mockup1.png (30 Kb)
I would love for the extra downloadable stuff you get when you buy a game could all be downloaded at once rather then individually. Its something small but would be greatly appreciated. At least by me. =) Any comments about this guys?
My Wishlist:
-GOG makes an achievement system of sorts (Like you log into your account somehow and it detects when u play the game, so then it logs into your achievements)
-A better download manager
-More ppl playing Fallout Tactics Multiplayer (This is more the people's choice, but it would be nice to see some games on there)
Other than these, which a couple would be hard to do (1 and 3), you all are doing fine at this current moment. Keep up the good word and appease my nostalgic side.
X-Com, X-Com, and X-Com!!