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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
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Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Ghostfromthepast: i still haven't received an answer from their part.

a lot of times they're just gathering info to make requests to some one higher up. My guess is, is that it takes a number or requests before they can send it up to the deciding factor, or it's something that's planned but they aren't ready to release information on it yet. Don't give up hope just because you hadn't received a response.
As some have mentioned, an SMS-based pay system would be great for those of us who don't want, or have, Interned banking facilities on our credit cards, or don't have credit cards. There are several companies that operate worldwide and offer SMS-based paying methods to gaming companies. I hope can find one they like and strike a deal.
Ghostfromthepast: i still haven't received an answer from their part.
Weclock: a lot of times they're just gathering info to make requests to some one higher up. My guess is, is that it takes a number or requests before they can send it up to the deciding factor, or it's something that's planned but they aren't ready to release information on it yet. Don't give up hope just because you hadn't received a response.

It's ok, i understand that these thinks take time. I wasn't counting on any quick reply. :) But it would sure be nice to have some kind of feedback in a near future.
Aurelianus: As some have mentioned, an SMS-based pay system would be great for those of us who don't want, or have, Interned banking facilities on our credit cards, or don't have credit cards. There are several companies that operate worldwide and offer SMS-based paying methods to gaming companies. I hope can find one they like and strike a deal.

Yes, but you need to mention, that games sold via Premium SMS will be 2x more expensive, as the provision for mobile phone operators is actually quite high.
Second thing, GOG is not using a DRM, so you can not get an activation code via SMS.
Conclusion: I think, that Premium SMS is not a good idea. I think they should add more "traditional" payments, as instant money transfers from various bank accounts and more internet payments, as eg. Moneybookers.
Kola256: Yes, but you need to mention, that games sold via Premium SMS will be 2x more expensive, as the provision for mobile phone operators is actually quite high.
Second thing, GOG is not using a DRM, so you can not get an activation code via SMS.
Conclusion: I think, that Premium SMS is not a good idea. I think they should add more "traditional" payments, as instant money transfers from various bank accounts and more internet payments, as eg. Moneybookers.

Not exactly. Phone operators themselves don't need to spend a dime on SMS transfers, and serious companies that offer these services only charge less than 1 euro/dollar to ensure the payment goes through. DRM or no DRM has nothing to do with it, as these systems involve receiving a unique one-time code, like a coupon, when your phone bill is charged, which can then be redeemed on the site where you make the purchase, in this case, so you will always have proof that you made the purchase.
Anyway, this is just for the idea's sake, I don't really think will implement this.
I was about to make a new thread in the general discussion, but I think it might apply to this one.
So, here goes
Is there a way to automatically go to the first post in a thread when you click on it? It took me a while to see this happen and the first time it did I found it quite disorienting when I got in a thread about ... I don't know, Lilies, and end up reading by mistake page 32 that shifted the discussion to MGS4 or something like that.
Perhaps it could be selective, I mean, if you have it "favorited" it would take you to the last page of that thread, but when you've never read it, it will take you to post nº 1
What do you think?
Fallout 3 impressions? [p: 1 - 12]
Just click ... 1 ... And you're on the first page
ribjoint: I'd also like to have hi-res covers to print out!

Agreed, I'd like that too. A collector needs physical proof of his collection :D
ribjoint: I'd also like to have hi-res covers to print out!

Me too.
Also, a small info about screen support would be nice. Does game support widescreen, if yes which resolutions?
Also there are some 3rd party tools for old games that make games support higher and wider resolutions. This tools may be given to customer with game. Of cource GOG may say this tool is not supported by developer and/or GOG, use it at your own risk.
For example this info can be added to game's page like this:
Screen Support: 4:3 (max. res. 1280x960, 1600x1200*), 5:4 (max.res. 1280x1024), 16:10 (max. res. 1280x800, 1900x1200*), 16:9 (max.res. 1280x720, 1920x1080*)
* Support with 3rd party tool.
Playing good old games on high speed PC's and on new OS' is nice but don't forget 4:3 and 5:4 screens are replacing with widescreen LCD's. Also 16:9 LCD's will be take 16:10 LCD's place in a few years. So games' supported resolutions are important.
LoneStranger: I got another one. How about themes for the site? Gray on gray on gray is nice and all, but maybe one or two other color schemes. You don't necessarily have to change the layout, but having a little choice with regards to the color scheme would be nice.

Themes I think are a great idea..I'd like to expand a little..when you go to a game page the top of the page becomes themed with that game..I think it'd be really cool to allow users to make any of these themes theirs for all the main pages and/or forums..:)
Post edited November 24, 2008 by chautemoc
I'm too lazy to search through the thread right now, so forgive me if someone already suggested these:
-Gift certificates
-A rewards system (i.e. get points on each purchase based on dollar amount, and when you earn enough points you can get a free game or other special downloads)
-And I know this was suggested before so +1 to packages of games
A delete post feature for morons like me who mess up their perfectly good posts.
Just another vote for Gift Certificates.
An idea: make it possible to download parity files to fix corrupted downloads. There's already a GPL'd implementation to process PAR2 files, maybe that could be integrated with the GOG downloader or installer? In which case, if the downloader/installer detects an error, it could automatically go and fetch the few requisite files to repair the archive.
Getting rid of this daft rate my post thing woul help o eradicate future arguments and people agreeing to give away votes just to offset what they think is an unreasonable score.
It serves no purpose except to help inflame the boards as and when a less than pleasing score is given.