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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Indeed, the masters may be lost, but you never know. I envisioned it being offered in the same way extras for other games are... if they exist and they have them available, they put a download for it. If not, they don't. I mean, not every game has a big game guide (like M.A.X. does), but that doesn't mean you need to exclude all just because you don't have access to one of the covers (I know that's not exactly what you said, but I thought I'd properly elaborate on my train of thought).
However, it does seem that GOG has access to some kind of covers, as they have used them for their website boxart... would be nice to get the versions they used/made (to the point where this is feasible).
Linux compatability.
WINE, at the very least.
An option to change the horrible as hell GOG Team blue text. That shit is UGLY.
I would LOVE it if you guys at GoG made a script for the main forum page where you can click "newest post since you visited" for each thread and go straight there instead of scrolling and going back pages and pages...
Don't know the 1337 name for this utility but I'm sure you guys get me.
Great work by the way anyway.
P.s. Agreed dnz - the blue is yuck. A possible idea would be to change it to that lime green - at least it'd be more in tune with the overall web design...
Post edited September 28, 2008 by Virama
Virama: P.s. Agreed dnz - the blue is yuck. A possible idea would be to change it to that lime green - at least it'd be more in tune with the overall web design...
The current green being used for the Solved text could stand out a little more too, it's too dull.
You actually listened to me and did it in less than two hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SO impressed.... T_T
Finally, I feel like I have come home... XD
EDIT: Interesting - it only came up on this one? Not with the others... Still, I see that you CAN do it - try and make it standard for all threads please?
omg.jpg (51 Kb)
Post edited September 28, 2008 by Virama
I would appreciate the ability to attach files other than images to forum posts - it would allow sharing of savegames and additional content like new player models, levels made with level editors, etc.
It would be nice if GOG was less strict - obviously block extensions like .exe or .bat, but allowing most others.
i would love to see game packs, as in buy 3 pay 2 or 3/2, or theme packs, or all of the games from X company at a low price.
it would be also interesting if you guys used torrent like technologies to lower your network traffic costs and at the same time give users that upload a lot some discounts and a speed bump.
example: user X downloads a game from GOG and then seeds it with the GOG download/upload software, the amount of data the user seeds is the equivalent to a discount on future purchases, this discount is small enough so that GOG still has a profit (GOG basically re-sells user upload bandwidth with their permission) but big enough that the user is happy to provide some of his/her bandwidth for a discount on his/her next purchase, this also gives some people the extra nudge to buy a certain game (yes, i would and will buy your games even without discount, they are very cheap and are DRM free, that gives me a warm feeling inside and makes me happy).
on a final note i have to say that i love what you guys at GOG are doing, and i await a day when i can buy lots of games from you guys.
I haven't read all the suggestions so far, but I've seen one that I'd very much like to see myself.
The option to purchase games without using creditcards or paypall(for which one is required in Belgium, which makes it utterly pointless). And I'm not getting a credit card either, the only occasion where I need one is to make online purchases, I can easily use my maestro debit-card pretty much everywhere I've been in Europe, and that one is free(or at the least included at my bank), while I'd have to pay just to have a credit card, which will then charge intrest every time I use it...
So could you pretty please allow bank transfers to purchase games? It's much, much easier for us young Europeans.
This site looks very promising though, I haven't found the titles I was looking for but I'm sure that'll improve over time. Now if only you give me the opportunity to spend some money here. :)
As an other idea it would be nice if you get all the contents you would have gotten if you had bought the game. For example if you had bought Baldur's Gate you got this nice map and book of spells etc.
Although I don't really expect you guys to improve how well games work with wine, mentioning how well they do, would be a handy feature.
Is there any chance of a 'next' button when there are multiple pages in a thread?
My eyesight isn't great and trying to see which number is the next page is a little tricky..
If there is a next button or '>' at the bottom of the thread, it would help me navagate to the next page much more easily.
Animated GIF image support for avatars!
Radnom: Animated GIF image support for avatars!

I disagree. That would just take the charm away from this website.
Radnom: Animated GIF image support for avatars!
Virama: I disagree. That would just take the charm away from this website.

Aw, are you kidding? How's a little animated GIF gonna take charm away?
If anything, they'll add charm. I mean, look at this guy run:
(Okay, img tags, and emoticons would be nice as well ;) )
char9b.gif (1 Kb)
Post edited September 30, 2008 by Radnom
Virama: I disagree. That would just take the charm away from this website.
Radnom: Aw, are you kidding? How's a little animated GIF gonna take charm away?
If anything, they'll add charm. I mean, look at this guy run:
(Okay, img tags, and emoticons would be nice as well ;) )

HNA!!!!!!!!! That DID make me laugh... True - but I was talking more about if you get away with moving avatars, then people will just demand smiley face emoticons then then then where will it stop? I really like this website as it is right now, clean, uncluttered and just... CLEAN.
That's one of the major reasons I vastly prefer Gtalk over MSN... *shudders at MSN*
Virama: I disagree. That would just take the charm away from this website.
Radnom: Aw, are you kidding? How's a little animated GIF gonna take charm away?
If anything, they'll add charm. I mean, look at this guy run:
(Okay, img tags, and emoticons would be nice as well ;) )

Not to start a war, but i'd cast my vote here for not allowing animated GIFs. The site looks great, and this would detract from it in my opinion.
I haven't read all the previous posts, but my suggestion for a new feature is a Wish list for games one plans to buy (not the wishlist for games not on gog). In other words, a private queue so that I can line up the next games I plan to purchase.