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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
I wish to request some features, I think everyone can share opinions to do a better services to all of us
My suggestion:
- accept credit card AMEX and PayPal
- subscription manager and downloader application, like Steam ;)
- better Chrome browser compatibility
Post edited September 08, 2008 by doomer
high rated
doomer: PayPal
I agree.
doomer: - subscription manager and downloader application, like Steam ;)
I disagree. I want no more daemons on my computer and the web interface works fine so far.
Post edited September 08, 2008 by Triple_T
high rated
+1 vote for PayPal.
It's one of the best and most safe methods to make transactions through internet.
high rated
I'll add some more stuff (yes I could just send this to the team... but... well... that wouldn't be very fun):
- Users Online list -- somewhere to see who's online
- instant messaging between users
- In-depth user profiles
Yeah, I know some of it's coming... but again, I like being a pain in the butt, so I'm pointing out the flaws anyway!!!! :)
doomer: PayPal
Triple_T: I agree.
doomer: - subscription manager and downloader application, like Steam ;)
I disagree. I want no more daemons on my computer and the web interface works fine so far.

Don't need to be a deamon service running, I wish only a small app to verify what games are already installed and what I have purchased and not installed yet
Now haves a small list of titles, but when it expands, will be hard to users manage what games they have installed and what they can download to play
Post edited September 08, 2008 by doomer
The only thing I've found myself missing so far is a link to the "articles" section for each game in the catalogue. Could be helpful to know any existing flaws before you buy.
Otherwise I really enjoy the site, I'm giving conquest of the new world a spin now.
+1 PayPal, really neat way of paying.
If there will be a neat app which can keep track of what games we got then I'd like this to be included in it.
- IRC chat.
- Third-party application support.
- Possibility to dump game usage (etc) to a MySQL database.
Another for Paypal.
Simple "!" near every forum when there is/are new posts. ( here :P)
+ for paypal
something like user's wish list would be nice, you know, then i wouldn't forget what i planned to buy ;)
app or dowloader isn't a bad idea, but only if optional
Post edited September 09, 2008 by mike
I agree about paypal, It can be useful for some users.
It would also be nice, like Dreamcast said, to create an "official" IRC channel somewhere, to establish a solid community and faster feedback/report about this beta.
Possibility to send private messages to other members also?
The app/downloader is useless in my opinion, the website is way enough...
Post edited September 09, 2008 by DukeNico
+ 1 for paypal
Personally I don't like downloaders, but it's ok if optional. A wish list would be neat.
I'm not too keen on expanded community features, I'm sure that most people here already have too many separate gaming communities in their lives. Of course, you don't have to be active if you don't want to, but I'm not sure if it's a step forward for the site. Robust, fast forums should be enough.
Post edited September 09, 2008 by AshFirelord
high rated
Demos (Don't necessarily have to be updated) and gameplay videos.
I know you can find demos aplenty elsewhere. That said, it would be a good way to let new users try before they buy. There's the fact that a lot of old demos do not run properly on modern systems so I can understand if it's not doable. After all I wouldn't want a potential customer to play a demo and think that the purchased version will play the same way.
MitchB84: Demos
I was going to suggest this myself. There should be a demo of every game that has one (at least if it's Windows compatible). I'm too lazy to search the web for a good mirror.
Post edited September 09, 2008 by Triple_T
MitchB84: Demos (Don't necessarily have to be updated) and gameplay videos.
I know you can find demos aplenty elsewhere. That said, it would be a good way to let new users try before they buy. There's the fact that a lot of old demos do not run properly on modern systems so I can understand if it's not doable. After all I wouldn't want a potential customer to play a demo and think that the purchased version will play the same way.

ditto for demos and gameplays, what about news concerning [upcoming] sequels?