Crewdroog: gog got back to me, and I'm not very happy with the reply:
Please try clearing your browser's cache, performing a clean refresh (Ctrl+R) of the page, and then logging out, and back in.
If you're using intrusive plugins, like JavaScript and ad blockers, please try disabling these, to see if they were causing the problem
If this doesn't help,
please try using a different browser altogether and let me know if that helped.
That last bit made me quite annoyed and it looks like he/she didn't even notice that i'm not the only one with this problem.
Hey, sounds like you've been reading my emails. ;-P
Jokes aside, this is a scripted reply hat GOG Support hands out. Last Sunday, I reported the Orders History filters not working and linked the discussion in the "What did just break" thread in my ticket. The issue was fixed by Monday, yet GOG Support replied three days later with the exact same text, which tells me that they didn't bother to check the forum discussion (which includes the bluetext posts acknowledging and later informing of fixing the problem), nor did they check with the webdevs if it's an issue on GOG's end.
If it comes to site/ account related issues, GOG Support seems to work with the same scripted replies, no matter what the issue may be, kind of feels like they have to make their daily quota (close X amount of tickets per day or something), and don't pay much attention to the finer details one reports to them. Quite disappointing.
MarkoH01: I just noticed that there is also the alternative to use Galaxy to chat.
It's not an alternative for those that don't use Galaxy, nor wish to install this
optional piece of software.
Besides, a solution should be provided by GOG - all common features should be equally fully functional whether accessed via the site or the client.