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low rated
Zrevnur: I am using your scheme now:
I only did it because gog borked my post. It should work now.

Zrevnur: 2. I dont agree about the intent part. I would prefer it if people would focus on the topic and not my (presumed) intent like you are doing here.
Intent matters, especially when dealing with titles worded as yours as such a way it is somewhat related and to know how to respond to said topic we need to know your full and honest intent and what you mean by your words(in title and op post).

Zrevnur: And as I wrote I try to be precise regarding the meaning.
You try but you seem to write as if your pov was the only one that was going to interpret it matters less how precise you think it is if it makes less sense or comes off the wrong way to readers.

Zrevnur: And about the supposed conflict - there isnt one. As I remember you suggested somehow to take it up with GOG. This is sufficient for my "not believe" statement. However it was not sufficiently precise to do. Maybe your currently added information is sufficiently precise - not sure.
Dude, you said in the SAME PART of your post that you didn't believe in my way and then ALSO said you didn't know what it is. You cannot say whether you believe in something or not if you don't know what that thing is.

Zrevnur: 3. Thats exactly what I am doing.
You are trying to do so now but when you started(especially the title and some of your OP post) that wasn't the case.

Zrevnur: 4. I dont know and I dont know what you are trying to say.
That we are not worth enough to gog for one or a few of us not buying from them to matter much.

Zrevnur: 5. I think you dont understand that not all people posting here live in the same cultural and social environment. Both in RL and online.
That should be my posted a thread title and seemingly assumed everyone would get your intent and not read anything else into it, or didn't care if they or the other.

Zrevnur: 6. You are (again) avoiding a proper answer (give example) and blatantly misleading in that "my own personal usage" is obviously the most obvious most straightforward most simple use case.
You made this thread to complain about something YOU experienced and obviously you would like them to cater to your preferences......or maybe just like to complain for some reason.

Zrevnur: 7. Common sense for me is to not use a captcha if there is no serious potential for abuse.
I.T. and business's motto is usually "better safe than sorry"...they cannot just not do something because one person(you or anyone else) assumes they don't have to do so.
low rated
GameRager: Dude, you said in the SAME PART of your post that you didn't believe in my way and then ALSO said you didn't know what it is. You cannot say whether you believe in something or not if you don't know what that thing is.
I clearly explained via contextual example that yes this is quite possible. Obviously I do not need to know everything about A in order to "not believe" in A. "Believe" is a personal subjective thing - you or anybody else is not entitled to determine what I can or cant believe in.

GameRager: You are trying to do so now but when you started(especially the title and some of your OP post) that wasn't the case.
As discussed I dont agree about the title. And I cant answer the rest without a specific quote.

GameRager: You made this thread to complain about something YOU experienced and obviously you would like them to cater to your preferences......
Correct. But this is not what I argued. The topic here is about GOG and captcha (etc) and not my intent in making the thread.

GameRager: I.T. and business's motto is usually "better safe than sorry"...they cannot just not do something because one person(you or anyone else) assumes they don't have to do so.
I am still waiting for the (serious) abuse case.
Zrevnur: I am still waiting for the (serious) abuse case.
I gave you one. You just dismissed it out of hand because you think there is a better way of doing it. Of course there's no way for us to know why the discount was structured the way it was. You can assume it's because they weren't smart enough to do it the way you think would be better, but there are other factors at play that could force them to do it the way they did.

The simple fact of the matter is they are providing the discount via a redemption code. The sites redemption code system has a captcha on it to prevent abuse. It shouldn't be hard for you to see the ways that a redemption code system could be abused. They are almost all common sense.

You're presenting disingenuous arguments and being willfully ignorant and from what I can tell the only reason why is because you have a personal dislike of captchas and think you have a better way of doing things. For all I know you are a web developer and you have an amazing way of preventing abuse on sites... if that were the case though I'd assume that you'd be providing that service to the thousands of sites who use captchas instead of complaining here.
low rated
Zrevnur: I am still waiting for the (serious) abuse case.
firstpastthepost: I gave you one. You just dismissed it out of hand
If you mean the following - this is not a description of an acutal abuse case:

There is abuse potential considering the fact that it is a personalized one time use code meant for users who already own one of the listed games. In other words the discount is being provided based on a condition. If there is a condition on the discount than there is potential for abuse by those who don't meet the conditions.

You have to take into account that this discount is part of an agreement between GoG and Beamdog.... there is potential for GoG to suffer financial loss as a result of abuse of these codes or for GoG to suffer reputation damage with a business partner.
firstpastthepost: The simple fact of the matter is they are providing the discount via a redemption code. The sites redemption code system has a captcha on it to prevent abuse. It shouldn't be hard for you to see the ways that a redemption code system could be abused. They are almost all common sense.
Here I am not arguing the general code redemption use case. Using codes is not necessary for my use case.

firstpastthepost: You're presenting disingenuous arguments and being willfully ignorant
Ignorant of what? (And I am unaware of "disingenuous arguments".)
low rated
Zrevnur: I clearly explained via contextual example that yes this is quite possible. Obviously I do not need to know everything about A in order to "not believe" in A. "Believe" is a personal subjective thing - you or anybody else is not entitled to determine what I can or cant believe in.
I cannot determine what you can or cannot believe in, but just saying "I don't believe x" without even knowing what x is is foolhardy or closeminded, or both.

Zrevnur: As discussed I dont agree about the title. And I cant answer the rest without a specific quote.
Doesn't matter how you see it need to stop thinking/caring only of how your yourself will take things(if that is what you are doing), especially when on a public site shared by many people.

As for the quote....I have spoonfed you plenty....maybe you could check back to see what I said for once?

Zrevnur: Correct. But this is not what I argued. The topic here is about GOG and captcha (etc) and not my intent in making the thread.
Doesn't matter, if one does something wrong(or seen as wrong) it's still something they did wrong regardless of intent(although intent can and often does factor into how one is viewed for doing some things).

Zrevnur: I am still waiting for the (serious) abuse case.
(Not because of their tone[that is mostly fine], but by how I feel i'm beating my head against a wall trying to explain simple concepts to you on why your title is badly written and your posts somewhat misleading)
Post edited December 20, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
GameRager: As for the quote....I have spoonfed you plenty....maybe you could check back to see what I said for once?
My impression is the exact opposite - that you avoided precise quotes and made lots of vague statements about my posts or my intent behind those posts here.
low rated
Zrevnur: My impression is the exact opposite - that you avoided precise quotes and made lots of vague statements about my posts or my intent behind those posts here.
This alone speaks volumes....that you focus on this ONE bit instead of the rest(in fact you dodged quite a few bits from before where I asked some why was that?)

I have mainly been just replying as these posts come & replying in short bursts/as I think of replies, but at least I bothered sticking to this thread for this long.....most others jumped ship long ago, whereas I tried sticking it I wonder a bit if they were the smart ones.
(One cannot breathe on the mountain and expect it to move, after all)
low rated
Zrevnur: My impression is the exact opposite - that you avoided precise quotes and made lots of vague statements about my posts or my intent behind those posts here.
GameRager: This alone speaks volumes....that you focus on this ONE bit instead of the rest(in fact you dodged quite a few bits from before where I asked some why was that?)
Care to give quote for something I "dodged"? I tried to answer all your questions with the potential exception of some which I considered to be worded as "insulting" or "ridiculing".

If you mean with "the rest" the rest of your post - I didnt see anything else to respond which wouldnt be repetitive or irrelevant to discussing the topic. Feel free to point out something (before the edit which added sth at the end).
Post edited December 20, 2019 by Zrevnur
low rated
Zrevnur: Care to give quote for something I "dodged"? I tried to answer all your questions with the potential exception of some which I considered to be worded as "insulting" or "ridiculing".
The question about what you'd do if gog's captcha came up upon login.....for starters....would you just not login even again?

An aside: This is not dodging, per se, but you also handwave off a lot of things I say with the words "you're wrong" as if that means I am wrong then by default.....I could get if you meant that you THINK I am wrong and just didn't say it that way(in such cases), but one cannot just say someone is wrong on something without proof.

(Also i'm not trying intentionally to insult you, if that's any consolation....I am just a bit irked that you seem to keep handwaving off some of the things I say and how you are treating this minor issue as bigger than it is and giving it more attention than it seems to warrant)
Post edited December 20, 2019 by GameRager
Zrevnur: Care to give quote for something I "dodged"? I tried to answer all your questions with the potential exception of some which I considered to be worded as "insulting" or "ridiculing".
GameRager: The question about what you'd do if gog's captcha came up upon login.....for starters....would you just not login even again?
You may have added this question per edit?
To answer - I dont have a proper answer: Dont know, would have to think about it, not planning to do unless I get that problem. Last time I tried to solve a Google captcha (not on GOG but elsewhere) it was a major problem as it didnt even work properly technically. I have options which I dont want to discuss here due to potential breach of forum rules.
low rated
Zrevnur: You may have added this question per edit?
Fair enough.....that said a bit of advice when reading my replies: With my posts it's best to wait a few minutes as I often add stuff to them, remove some things I feel aren't needed, etc. Sorry about that.

(Also I just added more to the post you just replied to)

Zrevnur: To answer - I dont have a proper answer: Dont know, would have to think about it, not planning to do unless I get that problem. Last time I tried to solve a Google captcha (not on GOG but elsewhere) it was a major problem as it didnt even work properly technically.
As to that last bit: That sucks to hear....I have issues with some of them but it's more to do with me being partially deficient in the sight department and those pictures are so tiny and blurry sometimes.

Zrevnur: I have options which I dont want to discuss here due to potential breach of forum rules.
*Plugs in totally not hidden microphone connected to gog HQ* Go on....o.0 ;)
(Don't actually, I am just being a bit silly with this bit to lighten things up a it working? :))
low rated
GameRager: An aside: This is not dodging, per se, but you also handwave off a lot of things I say with the words "you're wrong" as if that means I am wrong then by default.....I could get if you meant that you THINK I am wrong and just didn't say it that way(in such cases), but one cannot just say someone is wrong on something without proof.
If it is a personal thing then yes I can do that and I do it and I believe it is "perfectly fine" to do so. Like you making (false) statements about my intent. I dont remember giving such an answer in other cases here not referring to me personally.

GameRager: (Also i'm not trying intentionally to insult you, if that's any consolation....I am just a bit irked that you seem to keep handwaving off some of the things I say and how you are treating this minor issue as bigger than it is and giving it more attention than it seems to warrant)
This "irked" shows in some of your posts and I remember ignoring some of what you wrote due to perceiving it on the wrong side of the line between (for me) acceptable and too impolite.
And I somewhat disagree with your "minor issue" perspective: If you compare the damage done (lets say 1 million people having to go through this) with the effort in this thread (2 people discussing for a bit) then its not a bad relation. Or rephrasing this: From a purely egoistical perspective it may be a "minor issue". From a purely altruistic perspective however its not.
Post edited December 20, 2019 by Zrevnur
low rated
Again the post borked(gotta complain to gog sometime about it) -

Zrevnur: 1. If it is a personal thing then yes I can do that and I do it and I believe it is "perfectly fine" to do so. Like you making (false) statements about my intent. I dont remember giving such an answer in other cases here not referring to me personally.

2. This "irked" shows in some of your posts and I remember ignoring some of what you wrote due to perceiving it on the wrong side of the line between (for me) acceptable and too impolite.

3. And I somewhat disagree with your "minor issue" perspective: If you compare the damage done (lets say 1 million people having to go through this) with the effort in this thread (2 people discussing for a bit) then its not a bad relation. Or rephrasing this: From a purely egoistical perspective it may be a "minor issue". From a purely altruistic perspective however its not.
1. By cannot do it I didn't mean literally...I should've been more clear, I guess. Also I didn't make false statements about your intent....I made suppositions about your possible intent.....I didn't say you were doing something for certain or try to infer such(note the wording I used, including the words maybe/possibly/likely/perhaps/etc).

2. Fair enough, I suppose. Still, it'd be nice to know WHEN and what you are avoiding replying to and why(with some sort of cue/etc) so I can tell if you missed it by accident, didn't want to reply for some reason, etc.

3. By minor I meant the "damage" one(or at least none i've heard of) has been physically or financially harmed by not knowing a captcha is on a page before opening it....your response seems to be a few levels above what such an issue should necessitate, imo.

(Also I note you skipped my silly attempt at humor....was it crossing the line somehow, or are you one of those more serious types online? Serious question here, btw)
Post edited December 20, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
GameRager: 1. By cannot do it I didn't mean literally...I should've been more clear, I guess. Also I didn't make false statements about your intent....I made suppositions about your possible intent.....I didn't say you were doing something for certain or try to infer such(note the wording I used, including the words maybe/possibly/likely/perhaps/etc).

GameRager: 2. Fair enough, I suppose. Still, it'd be nice to know WHEN and what you are avoiding replying to and why(with some sort of cue/etc) so I can tell if you missed it by accident, didn't want to reply for some reason, etc.
Example - probably not the best though as its a special case: Linking to a youtube video (which I didnt look at) with this text is for me something which does not belong in a polite discussion and the whole quoted thing "deserves" to be ignored:

GameRager: 3. By minor I meant the "damage" one(or at least none i've heard of) has been physically or financially harmed by not knowing a captcha is on a page before opening it....your response seems to be a few levels above what such an issue should necessitate, imo.
Just look at it from an economic perspective. Time spent solving captcha which could be spent doing sth more useful and more enjoyable. If 5% of the 1 million people need to solve the captcha then it is 50K people per such Email. If GOG sends 5 per year then its 250K captcha solvings per year. If it takes 1 minute to solve then we have ~174 full days of human time spent on captcha solving per year. Put this into relation to this discussion or to how much effort it would take GOG to do it differently.

GameRager: (Also I note you skipped my silly attempt at humor....was it crossing the line somehow, or are you one of those more serious types online? Serious question here, btw)
I dont think it was very funny... And if you cant tell by now I am probably what you would consider "more serious".
Post edited December 21, 2019 by Zrevnur
low rated
Zrevnur: Example - probably not the best though as its a special case: Linking to a youtube video (which I didnt look at) with this text is for me something which does not belong in a polite discussion and the whole quoted thing "deserves" to be ignored
It can and I think it should be a part of a polite discussion if it can be used correctly...sometimes a bit of levity is just what a situation calls for, I think.

Zrevnur: Just look at it from an economic perspective. Time spent solving captcha which could be spent doing sth more useful and more enjoyable. If 5% of the 1 million people need to solve the captcha then it is 50K people per such Email. If GOG sends 5 per year then its 250K captcha solvings per year. If it takes 1 minute to solve then we have ~174 full days of human time spent on captcha solving per year. Put this into relation to this discussion or to how much effort it would take GOG to do it differently.
But it's not gog's job to save us some minutes solving captcha.....their job is to sell us games at a decent price. Also at the price for some games the few minutes is often well worth it for what one gets in return.

Zrevnur: I dont think it was very funny... And if you cant tell by now I am probably what you would consider "more serious".
Because of it's topic/wording, or any comedy in discussion in general?

Also c'mon dude, ya gotta lighten up and enjoy life a bit.
Post edited December 21, 2019 by GameRager