Zrevnur: Of course GOG is doing sth bad by using captcha. I am not openminded to that. I am openminded as to why they are doing it. And I have not been deceptive about this either. I clearly implied it in the first post.
Your thread title is still misleading and biased, and leads people(even if you didn't mean to cause them to think such) reading it to assume bad things about gog itself.
You should also be openminded to hearing both sides on most things in order to form a proper opinion of such and to allow others to do the same....else you could be seen as being somewhat deceptive by others.
Zrevnur: Yes you are wrong here. I know what GOG is doing (using captcha etc). I dont know what GOG is trying to do (purpose of using captcha etc is unknown to me).
I never said they weren't using captcha, just that they weren't using it for "bad"(as in very bad, like murder or fraud levels of bad) purposes and that seemed to be what your OP post/title insinuate they are trying to do. Until you know such, accusing them(even if indirectly or accidentally) of very bad intent without proof is slightly wrong to do.
Zrevnur: I dislike discussions "behind closed doors" and wanted to make a public statement. I would also have to trust GOG support which conceptually doesnt make sense for such a request which I could explain in detail from a logical perspective but I think this isnt very important here. Furthermore my primary objective is not to find out why GOG is doing it. I dont particularly care about that.
You could screencap or record said correspondence, you know, to have a record in case you need it.
Also then what is your intent here? If it is to expose gog for using captcha we all already know that.
And if not that then what?.....because with the thread title as is and the words you are using(gog is deceptive, etc) it
LOOKS(just looks) as if you are trying to spread misinformation or dislike of gog...
even if that is not the case.
Zrevnur: From my POV your "I am close to certain" is just your opinion (without proper if any evidence) which I dont share.
It's common business practice to use captchas in said ways, for one.....also even if I had evidence would you believe it or toss it aside to maintain cognitive dissonance?
Zrevnur: It has several problems which mine doesnt have:
1. Its missing the "deception" part. This is critically important. You seem to have ignored this before. Its integral to my thread here and without it I probably wouldnt have made this thread. And the "deception" part is a fact. I was deceived.
I didn't ignore it....it is not good to put such words in your thread titles as it can be misconstrued and is often used(in general by others) to get people to click open a thread/to think a certain way about something & not let them form their own opinions.
And deception in this case/as you use it is MISLEADING...it would only be deceptive if they told you about it AFTER money had changed hands or they schemed you out of money/something you own/etc....that is not the case here. (They tell you about the captcha BEFORE you buy something or pay them).
(In this case a more apt term would be gog unpleasantly surprised me...it is accurate and to the point) Zrevnur: 2. Its reducing the scope of my complaint. Part of my complaint is (or implies) that the use of codes is unnecessary for the obvious use case. So if GOG uses captcha for codes - it shouldnt even matter for my use case. So your thread title would be misleading.
If you have a proper complaint then you should use the proper channels....all you'll do here is possibly slightly upset or confuse someone who might worry gog is doing much worse upon reading your thread title and posts.
If you don't then I am going to guess that you don't want the problem(as you see it) resolved and just want to complain about an aspect of gog for a bit.
And no, my thread title idea at worst would be generic and a bit vague....but not misleading(tell me what part of it would be misleading anyone about what the thread contains).
Zrevnur: 3. Its longer than mine. Mine is short to the point and uses the 3 most important words in the best (hierarchical) order "GOG" "captcha" "deception".
It doesn't matter how long it is...what matters more is how clear it is....and again this is not deception(or do you think anything you aren't told beforehand is deception? What about surprise parties...deception as well?)
Zrevnur: 4. Yours is inviting thoughts which isnt bad. But I would have made the post without thoughts by others too. So this is limiting in scope from that perspective also.
Then this proves it...you're just here to ramble on about conspiratorial nonsense and see who replies.
Zrevnur: As I outlined earlier my circumstances dont require any abuse countermeasures. So its not reasonable to expect any.
Just because you don't see a need for something doesn't mean there isn't a need for something.
Zrevnur: I was deceived. So there was deception. I dont know if it was intended though.
Whether its legally binding or not isnt the point. If they dont actually mean what they write in bold and they say what they actually mean in small print then that clearly is deception to me.
You are using the wrong definition of deception(
when it comes to lodging complaints against a business), then.
As I said before this(in this same reply), they'd need to be using such to trick you out of money or do something without you knowing until AFTER you had done that thing.....as they tell you clearly about the captcha when you get to the page it's not deception as per the definition that counts in this case. ===================================================
Addition: Also I am sorry but I don't
fully(I could be wrong I admit) buy that you didn't know about sales emails leading to captchas before this moment......you've been a user here for many years, so you would have very likely seen them prior to this.