OldFatGuy: From
here, we hear straight from tinybuild that:
updating games on gog is very unlikely because because games are continuously torrented through DRM free builds.
OldFatGuy: and
gog games are DRM free, which makes them practically impossible to support.
OldFatGuy: So, since they sold their games here KNOWING they had NO INTENTION of supporting them, all customers who purchased should be entitled to receive a full refund no matter when purchased or if it's been downloaded as this is not an honest business practice.
NOWHERE during the sales process were customers informed that they would not be getting support in the form of patches, etc. in the future. Nowhere.
I have been imploring you for some time now to STOP SELLING publishers that don't support their games. You obviously must think that having a reputation for carrying all these games is a good one to have. Let me tell you something gog, it PALES in comparison to having a reputation for selling games that are not up to date and won't ever be supported in the future. If you can't see that than someone needs some refresher courses in business management. My alma matter James Madison University might help.
I want a refund for every goddamned tinybuild game I bought, and with over 1400 games here my buying here is OVER unless I see a full refund for all of my tinybuild purchases and I see that no tinybuild releases are sold here. I fully expect this to fall on deaf ears so I guess this is so long, it was good while it lasted. I was telling the truth when I said I love in a recent post... but even with those you love you can't put up with anything. This type of treatment is unacceptable. Frankly, I can't even understand why you're such wimps and aren't up in arms over this yourself. But whatever, looks like no more of me or my family's money.
Good luck to you. Selling outdated and unsupported products... you're going to need it.
1. They honestly said that they won't provide updates because they will get torrented? Don't they have a LEGAL OBLIGATION to provide support/updates while signed with GOG?
2. To be fair(not to be mean intentionally) as long as said games work(and you don't need updates for MP/etc) they fulfilled their end of the bargain(GOG) and you're sadly not entitled to a refund(well unless they want to give one to be nice/kind). :\
Also sadly the ones still buying will outshine those that don't buy. If you want to hurt bad devs financially you need to hit social media/etc and make a stink/ruccus.
Lord_Kane: Honestly OFG I think its more due to Legal agreements why GOG is stuck selling TinyBuild games, but I think you should go through your game library and ask for a refund for every tinybuild game in your library to store credit. I think TIny Build is just being lazy, but you know legal traps they can make you stuck, but its a evil of the games industry.
I think avoiding GOG is the worst idea, just avoid Tinybuild games.
(also TInyBuilds statement that everyone doesnt update their games on GOG is just bullshit, TinyBuild is just lazy and they dont care about people's money)
This....GOG might be stuck in a legal agreement to keep selling for a set period that they can't get out of atm.
tfishell: Message Support.
OldFatGuy: I don't know how. I do not want to create a ticket for this, and I have had times in the past where I just wanted to communicate with gog but couldn't find an email address and a couple of those times I did create a ticket just to communicate a message... but I'm not going to do it for this because frankly I don't care now as it seems obvious to me that gog has made up it's mind on this issue of continuing to sell publishers that don't/won't support their games, and as long as they do that, well, that tells me all I need to know about how they feel about treating their own customers. "Sure, we're okay with selling unsupported games to our customers... whatever it takes to get their money!"
No way to treat your own damned customers.
Support form Fill that out if you want to get in touch with them. Best of luck.
lolplatypus: What GOG
could do, however, is giving us version numbers on the store pages and reintroducing GOG Mixes for easier tracking of information like that, so the customer could at the very least make an informed purchasing decision.
Lord_Kane: Thats been a long requested feature. it would be great but I dont see gog implementing it anytime soon.
If they have time to police people saying naughty words at one another and work on Galaxy then they can implement a few minor site changes.