It was a bag of mixed sausages The elves picked heads and choose to receive.
The elves team were servery disadvantaged with an early ko, Followed by another.
Yet, they persevered, they slipped through enemy lines and with a miracle dice of 5+ roll, The blitzer caught a hand off, dodged to an empty space that was covered by 3 TZ, and passed the ball easily to a waiting 2nd blitzer whom did an early touch down.
When the next ball was kicked, it looked bad for the elves as they desperately tried to hold back the opposition with only 9 players. Thanks to the efforts of the brave thrower, (whom got badly injured), the ball carrier dropped the ball, and failed to pick it up twice in a row.
Thus, half time ended in 1-0
In the second half, the elves failed to stop the chaos team from scoring, getting a 2nd badly hurt player in the process.
It was the final 2 turns of the game, the elves received the ball. They positioned their players for a 2 turn touchdown...
and on the final turn, the ball was launched!
3+ roll! a 2! REROLL! A 2!
And thus, the game ended.
(even if it was passed, opponent just had to roll a 6 to get the ball, nerves of steel means he had a good chance of getting the ball though, dodging was a 2+)