Some additional thoughts on the finals:
At one point Psyringe mentioned it certainly didn't feel like the finals, I responded more like a rookie match. Even though we both started with 1500+ teams by the end of the game we were both fielding 1000-1100TV so it really was a match of two rookie teams at that point. I think my TV was 1090.
Zombic the Hodgepodge got KO'd early and even with a babe never came back to the game. What are you paying him for! (Which brings up other questions like why are Zombies demanding payment? Why are we giving into their demands? And what are they using the money for?)
Both of us rolled far more 1's, 2's and 3's than we did 4's, 5's, and 6's on 1D.
Psyringe failed 9 GFI, two of those were failed rerolls from failed GFI.
My Troll succeeded his one loner roll (which he usually fails) but failed two Wild Animal rolls (which he usually succeeds).
Frenzy against a guard team can be painful, I set up a perfect frenzy blitz but overlooked that I would be standing next to a guard mummy on the second hit, which brought me down to a 1D block that came up red skull and Badly hurt my berserker.
I'm not sure I understand the odds of success on Dauntless so I'm almost always to scared to use it, I worked out for me twice this game for bringing down a mummy.
My one player without block was knocked down by a Block Zombie on a Both Down result, (He leveled up and would get block)
I think the Shadows will retire until they make a BG3, For the Glory of AMN!
I'll get a Ogre team set up and submit it to the stunty league after work.