WereCrow: My Lazerwolfz will be playing Duder's Amazons in a few moments. Come watch the slaughter!!
duder113: and we got butchered into a 1-1 draw. We had a lucky elvenmove TD in the first half but after 2 injuries and a couple of ko's in the 2nd, we had 5 players remaining (those budweiser babes didn't help much :() on the field and were unable to prevent the equalizer. Good game though.
The game played out very nicely and all in all it was a good game of good ol' Bloodbowl. Both teams almost never had to suffer crushing Turnovers due to bad dice or block dice.
I went into the match believing it to be very difficult, what with all that dodge and block and mighty blow that his team is loaded with. And it was. It was really difficult to even land effective blocks against him, but fortunately when my Wolfz hit they usually hit HARD and sent a critical number of his players to the KO Bench which made the second half much easier for me. On the flip side he did manage to injure and KO a good number of my players as well but, as has been shown in the past, I seem to have been blessed with very good regeneration rolls.
Still Duder had some, for the lack of a better word, god dice that helped him get the first TD even after my stalling tactics to draw out hte game.
He basically managed to roll four 5's in a row and complete a pass in the same turn to get out of my strangehold and the ball into the TD-Zone. My only response to that was a loud 'MOTHERFUCKER'.
The second half went quite turbulent as well. I tried to keep back some of my Werewolves in order to intercept any ballcarrier that might be breaking through my lines. And behold after a very plucky one managed to break away and get deep into my half only to fail a GFI and knock herself out, I was in a good position to regain the ball and start a counter attack.
Due to the low numbers of Duder's players still on the field I was confident to at least manage a draw and because of my well placed tackle zones it became increasingly more difficult for him to attack my ballcarrier.
In the end it was a good game, although still a nailbiter for me. A couple of things just had to go right in order to pull it off but I am glad that they did.
My personaly MVP for this match was my Might Blow Werewolf that was stuck between two Amazons who decided to throw a block with 2 red dice against one of them, then manage to roll 2 Defender Downs and subsequently cause a casualty.
Also Kick is such a good ability you don't know it until youve tried it out.