You actually won 5-1.
The underdoggies kidnapped a chef after our vicotry against the Checfs of Destruction last week, he still made us pay for his services but he came through stealing 2 rerolls both halves.
One thing we had not planned for was the elves bring their Anti-Zombie shotguns. In the first three blocks they blasted two zombies off the field (one MNG) it did not get better from there. I tried to drill into my werewolves heads not to blitz his blitzers (blodge and sidestep + frenzy will get them in trouble) so turn two lupin immediately blitzes one of them... This leads to him being knocked down surrounded and kicked to pieces, luckily we were able to put his pieces back together this time. After the dead wolf, another zombie took a shotgun blast and a golem got -mv(he regened as well) two more zombies were shot while they were lying on the ground, one regened and one died. RIP Dumbledore... again.
So in one half all five of my zombie were injured and 4/5 failed to regen (still the important players regened so I'm not complaining). Following the rule of Ninja's the last zombie remaining (Vizzini) is the most dangerous and he injured and elf with -av which their apotho thought could be cured by removing his legs. (still the important players regened so I'm not complaining)
Somehow, I'm still not sure how, we were able to score on turn 8. Bringing the score 2-1.
Fortunately the elves ran out of shotgun shells in the second half and caused no further injuries, unfortunately the damage had already been done. We were outnumbered, out run, and out lept by the elves for the second half and the final score was 5-1.
Level ups for Splinter the WW and Gandalf the Golem. Even if I continue to roll doubles (as I have my first three) they are both taking block.