Posted September 14, 2014

Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany

Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted September 14, 2014
Would you please post the link to watch these?I am currently in Crusader Kings II, intending to finish out the reign of King Murchad for the good of my giveaway one way or another, but would enjoy checking it out later.

Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted September 14, 2014

If you have Blood Bowl, enter Multiplayer, choose "Community" and then "Live" and look for the GOG Weekly matches in the list (you can sort the list).
If the match isn't there anymore, you can get the replay file here in this thread if one of the coaches uploads it to teh google drive (see first post).
You then put that replay file into your Blood Bowl replay folder (for me it's in Documents) and can watch it in Single Player mode. :-)
Post edited September 14, 2014 by Piranjade

Blew the Reroll.
Registered: May 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany

Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted September 14, 2014

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted September 14, 2014
can I drop the Blood Bowl theme here?

New User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Germany
Posted September 14, 2014
Ruder andmyself played yesterday evening. Nuffle Gave me an 4.1 victory.
Replay is uploaded.
Dead admins, do you put tugether the Playoffs manually vor dies BB calculate em ?
If its manually, id Mike to announce i wouldnt take part inthe playoffs . seemsquite unfair with this Team.
Ill play the season to the regular End, but no matter what place id Mike to give my Playoff Palace to the next one.
Replay is uploaded.
Dead admins, do you put tugether the Playoffs manually vor dies BB calculate em ?
If its manually, id Mike to announce i wouldnt take part inthe playoffs . seemsquite unfair with this Team.
Ill play the season to the regular End, but no matter what place id Mike to give my Playoff Palace to the next one.

Razzle Dazzle
Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted September 15, 2014

Replay is uploaded.
Dead admins, do you put tugether the Playoffs manually vor dies BB calculate em ?
If its manually, id Mike to announce i wouldnt take part inthe playoffs . seemsquite unfair with this Team.
Ill play the season to the regular End, but no matter what place id Mike to give my Playoff Palace to the next one.
As for your request, though I am not one of the lead admins and have no end say in the matter, I am a mod and more importantly, I'm a person that loves competition. Speaking as a player, I don't understand this move. I don't understand why you would want to just throw away your season because of a lack of fairness, especially in blood bowl.
This is a game that is naturally unfair. There IS NO FAIR in blood bowl. And as someone that is hopeful to make the playoffs, playing against a team such as yours would be a ton of fun. To have you leave the playoffs because of reasons of "fairness" would leave the rest of the season seem... Empty I guess. I (and possibly others) would feel cheated out of a chance for a spectacular game because you felt you were overpowered. In any other avenue of sports, this is seen as an advantage.
And don't forget, there is still the rest of the season to go. One lucky dice roll and boom, there goes your star player.
I remember a certain Dark Elf team with an AG6 player that felt super overpowered, but that just made the game all more fun if you could actually triumph over such a team.
In short. Please don't leave the playoffs because you feel your team is overpowered. That's kinda the point. If you don't like having a team that has the qualifications yours does, play something completely different in the next season. Get out of your comfort zone of the Orcs, play something hyper dodgy or covered in mutations. That's the beauty of this game. The vast array of teams make the possibilities endless. (IE, your half elf, half orc team).

Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted September 15, 2014

Replay is uploaded.
Dead admins, do you put tugether the Playoffs manually vor dies BB calculate em ?
If its manually, id Mike to announce i wouldnt take part inthe playoffs . seemsquite unfair with this Team.
Ill play the season to the regular End, but no matter what place id Mike to give my Playoff Palace to the next one.
I can understand how you feel, and I know that we cannot force you to play in the play-offs but I'd also says that we just wait and see at this point. We haven't even played half of the season yet, and knowing Nuffle things can change rapidly, even for your team.

lonesome zorro
Registered: Dec 2013
From Belgium
Posted September 15, 2014

Replay is uploaded.
Dead admins, do you put tugether the Playoffs manually vor dies BB calculate em ?
If its manually, id Mike to announce i wouldnt take part inthe playoffs . seemsquite unfair with this Team.
Ill play the season to the regular End, but no matter what place id Mike to give my Playoff Palace to the next one.
You just managed to get a good team together would be shame to deny them the playoffs, furthermore you deserve to play playoffs on your attitude alone.
Back to the game, maybe some seasoned players can shed a light cause we had some weird stuff going on :
first half I put my thrower (one of the 3 lvl'd players left on the team) on his usual place in the back ready to catch the ball, game starts and there's a merc on his place and he's nowhere to be seen? We played whole first half without him, naturally he was pissed at the start of the 2nd and refused to catch or pick up the ball ;)
second half due to injuries we're down to 9 men and my thrower is there now but the merc tree is nowhere to be seen, I can't place him on the field. Game starts and the tree shows up way in the back making him kinda useless for the blitzevent we rolled. ;)
What happened?? The only thing I can imagine is the game added merc linesman up to 11, then I bought a merctree with incentives...maybe that caused the game to loose it's dice somewhat?
Post edited September 15, 2014 by duder113

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted September 15, 2014
Anybody can recommend me a team that is not necro so that I can play (Tier 1 only,no joke teams)

Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted September 15, 2014

Next season is Reset Season which is good to start a fast team like Wood Elves and Skaven.
Orcs and Humans are very versatile and bring a bit more "punch" to the field.
If you're willing to develop a team for a longer time and accept that the first games will be very hard (and that you'll most likely loose them) Chaos, Lizardmen and Dark Elves are wonderful, but they all require some coaching skills to play them effectively.
I won't mention Dwarves because you already tried them and I hate Dwarves.

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted September 15, 2014
You know, doesn't require advanced coaching to be good. Maybe Amazons or Norse falls under tier 1?
Piranjade: Which teams fall under "Tier 1" depends a bit on how long you plan to develop them and how well you can play them.
Next season is Reset Season which is good to start a fast team like Wood Elves and Skaven.
Orcs and Humans are very versatile and bring a bit more "punch" to the field.
If you're willing to develop a team for a longer time and accept that the first games will be very hard (and that you'll most likely loose them) Chaos, Lizardmen and Dark Elves are wonderful, but they all require some coaching skills to play them effectively.
I won't mention Dwarves because you already tried them and I hate Dwarves.

Next season is Reset Season which is good to start a fast team like Wood Elves and Skaven.
Orcs and Humans are very versatile and bring a bit more "punch" to the field.
If you're willing to develop a team for a longer time and accept that the first games will be very hard (and that you'll most likely loose them) Chaos, Lizardmen and Dark Elves are wonderful, but they all require some coaching skills to play them effectively.
I won't mention Dwarves because you already tried them and I hate Dwarves.

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted September 15, 2014

Next season is Reset Season which is good to start a fast team like Wood Elves and Skaven.
Orcs and Humans are very versatile and bring a bit more "punch" to the field.
If you're willing to develop a team for a longer time and accept that the first games will be very hard (and that you'll most likely loose them) Chaos, Lizardmen and Dark Elves are wonderful, but they all require some coaching skills to play them effectively.
I won't mention Dwarves because you already tried them and I hate Dwarves.