kanarek: Falling Bones, the brand new undead menance applied to the league.
aand accepted.
Season 4: 1. Arno - vamps
2. DigitalHero - woodies
3. E_A - Chaos
4. Ghiro - Khemri
5. iippo - Khorne Demons
6. Jolly - Orc
7. Judas - Nurgle
8. MafiaK - Human
9. Mainosmies - Naughty elves
10. Michal - Undead
11. Moggrym - Amazon
12. Mystral - orc
13. Piran - Skaven
14. Realrocker - Naughty elves
15. Rod - Vamps
16. Stampede - lizards
17. Vohaul - Nurgle
18. Zeta - Necro
waiting for: 19. CSPVG - Gobbos
20. Psyringe - ?
Regarding the start of league - ASAP.
I would like to get things started latest on next tuesday, preferably ofcourse before.
The teams listed above have time to apply teams till tuesday - but if they have not applied by then and have not sent any message to me nor other admin by then, the 4th play slots will be "
First come - first served".
Atm on the waiting list: -Cheong