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iippo: Well i think thats pretty much what i said..
E_A: Well since I did not complain about illegal behaviour on his part, pointing out four times in five paragraphs that it was legal and completely ok for for him to act the way he did seems to imply a little more than "you are both right on this".

YMMV and all.
sigh - what i meant to mean by those notions is that the players die. And so what? You lose games. And so what? Rolls fail so what?

Failure and losing is integral part of this game. Absolute the core of it. Sure it can be frustrating - but that frustration is much easier to deal with when you know that failure in general is inevitable in this game. No-one and nothing is invulnerable.

I am sorry if i somehow insulted you or something - you commenting on the lines of "I dont need this shit in my games" was just kinda harsh to me.

..So high level chaos kicked your team, you lost couple players, the fouled you and you gave up the match. Totally absolutely understandably and i dont see anything wrong about that or the really the fouling either. ...But so what? Its not really big deal is it?

Suppose its just me again, but i kinda fail to see whats the big deal about losing matches, players, rolls or anything else in BloodBowl. Its not -really- serious is it? I mean i have serious trouble trying to think up something that would be -less- serious than any result of BB match.

You play for fun and if the match goes totally bonkers and you feel too down, then just forfeit. Nothing to be shamed about that really. Everyone has ups and downs. Its just natural afterall.

Yeah, i understand the feeling on getting totally walked over in BB - that has happened to me more than once or twice during this league. But it also has never ever made me really get angry at any couch for whatever they did to me on the pitch. If they play to win big time and i get the short stick - so what? Next week, new match and new chances fail. For everyone.

It really is just a game after all and none of us even gets paid for being good at it. ...then again, who knows there might be some sweet prize games at the prize pool...

But seriously, E_A, i hope i didnt piss you off or something - i honestly did want to or mean to do anything like that with any of the comments.
Psyringe: Personally, I believe that after such a match, everything that's being said (by players or by spectators) should be taken with a pinch of salt. As long as we're not throwing miniatures at each other ... ;)
Dungeon Bowl Grudge matches!

Seriously - maybe we have to make up some sideshow to extract quick revenge on our opponents :D
Post edited January 20, 2014 by iippo
Well I'd like to say sorry to E_A if that foul upset him so much. I did it after I saw there were only two opposing players on the field and was wondering what happens if there is no opposing team on the field.
But I see the mistake I made by adding insult to injury that way.

On the other hand everything up to that moment was the team functioning like intended when I started to build them in S1, just doing maximum damage.
I dislike unnecessary fouling especially when its done to me, but i dont fault Dodo for trying to get a field clear. I've never done it before, and I would believe i would try if the opportunity presented itself.

Seems like it would be a personal achievement of sorts.

On the topic of a league reset, i'm a little late to the party, but as my net was out while the conversation was happening i'll put in my two cents, as much as being a first season newbie allows that to be worth:

I feel that league resets are a necessity, Not every season, of course, but say every three seasons. So every Fourth would get a fresh new slate of teams.

The teams built in the prior three wouldnt be lost, as i'd think they'd be able to make a return in non reset seasons. To the point someone made, I think it was Psyringe, said that people only want resets because they want to 'Win' more games:

The same could be said to those wanting to hold on to their High TV teams; to have an advantage of more experienced players on their side of the pitch.

That being said, I don't think every season needs to be a new slate because continuity of teams is what makes leagues fun. However there is a point where a Fresh Blood Season has its benefits. It helps diversity in the sense of different types of teams getting to a better start where a higher level bash team would have eaten them alive and squandered any chance to become formidable.
Post edited January 20, 2014 by Realrocker07
Seeing the comments here is one of the reasons I completely stopped even trying to win and just see how many of the opposing team I can smack about. Blood Bowl became a lot more fun that way :D Don't get me wrong, I still get ticked when I fail block rolls and my push dice re-roll into two red skulls and I have some silly Wood Elves prancing about the field (hi Psyringe :P ) and I am ill equipped to stop them. All that doesn't stop me from trying to get all the fun as much as I can and that helps because I suck at this game :D

Anyways, I am not sure what else to say here because I don't want to add insult to injury to a coach who had a Nuffled game. My condolences, E_A, and I hope things work out better the next game :)

edit: let me know if I said something out of line, please.
Post edited January 20, 2014 by JudasIscariot
ive decided to raise the stakes for Myself in the Next season:

introducing new Special program: "Play to Kill, Kill to Play"

I'll offer bounty gog Game, max 6usd for each Player anyone manages to Kill from My team Next season. Yes, You Kill My Player - You get to Choose 6usd gog Game. Naturally multiple games for multiple kills.

What counts: blocking (both downs by either side count), tackling, fouling & wizard.

What does not Count: me killing My own Player (ie gfi's etc), kick off events & deaths saved by apo (tough luck, kill some more!).


if i Choose team With regen, I'll Give the Game Even if regen is succesfull - you get chance to kill him again for second game, how cool is that \o/

no idea What team I'll play With, wont be av9 heavy and don't be stunty. I do take recommendations, but will make no promises as my mind seems to change pretty much daily..

I'll reserve right to Pay all the bounties after My Next Payday ;)
Post edited January 21, 2014 by iippo
Yes, fouling is allowed and blah blah blah.
But fouling an opponent when he's completely down, his team destroyed and there's near to no chance of recovery is just ... *enter explicit here*.

As iipp0 pointed out, it's just a game, we play it for fun. You're playing against another human being who also wants to have fun. Of course you're not going to give him/her a win if you can avoid it. But kicking somebody who's down and stuff... Not my cup of tea. Even in Blood Bowl.

Oh, and if somebody is interested in the game mechanics and wants to see stuff like what will happen when there are no opposing players left or what will happen if the opponent doesn't have enough players to set up three on the line of scrimmage as rules demand, using a match against the computer (you can even decide to control both teams to make sure you find out) might be an option.
Or asking somebody who knows.
inb4 the entire league is chaos and dwarves.
iippo: i am $6 game oprah
what? O_o
everyone will be getting claw/mighty blow without tackles for that, then.
Iippo, you may wanna rethink that post. To me, as someone outside of the entire fiasco yesterday, it comes off as if you're mocking EA. You were chastising him for being upset, and now you're offering an open bounty on your own players, as if trying to prove a point.

Maybe that's not what you intend, but it comes off that way to me reading the last page.
Ghiro & Cheong:

Excuse me for moment, but LOL. I mean seriously LOL.

If someone, anyone would choose their team and player skills just to kill my player then please just ask for it instead :D

Challenge is challenge. Nothing serious, just something fun and exciting to look forward to. Damn, for two season most of my team has been made up of thralls and ive buried quite few. I am pretty familiar with av7 yes.

I am just having hard time imagining that people would go to so serious extent to earn game at gog. Anyways I am not so crappy player (or have money) as to simply giveout freebies ;)

Besides if someone is seriously considering gangfouling me 16 turns through game, sure ill give you shot to try that - BUT that would be excellent time to look into mirror and think just wtf youre actually thinking yourself....are you playing the game because you like it - or are playing it to earn games. I mean it would be terrible way to do so, very inefficient.


As for the mocking people and stuff - not in hell. But yeah suppose i want to provoke the whole league abit. A challenge to every coach. Take it or leave it. I just really-really want to make the point that there is absolutely nothing to lose in this game by actually risking something concrete myself.

twisted eh? And before anyone draws the wrong conclusions, i am not oprah, i dont swim in money and i dont expect to lose too many players to death either ;)
Hawk52: Iippo, you may wanna rethink that post. To me, as someone outside of the entire fiasco yesterday, it comes off as if you're mocking EA. You were chastising him for being upset, and now you're offering an open bounty on your own players, as if trying to prove a point.

Maybe that's not what you intend, but it comes off that way to me reading the last page.
I have this terrible feeling of people misunderstanding what i want to say - but well, here goes nothing:

I dont remember seeing any fiasco yesterday.

Bloody match of BB, thats what i saw. I will leave the philosophical thinking of what is "necessary" and what is "unnecessary" fouling etc without too much comment. My opinion on it doesnt really matter - thats between the coaches really.

But the actual point of me posting that is ive met some great people in this league. Cant remember anyone not being great actually. If i had the time and chance, i would hang out with anyone at anytime.

I admit i have great trouble at personal level at understanding the bad feelings people get about losses in BB at times. Reading some of the posts at times it looks like BB is making people depressed or something. I find it really weird. Does the league rank, spp, players, losses, foulings etc really matter that much?

"BB-bitching" is ofcourse all fine and dandy, but when thing seem to go at times to personal level - well, its just so very weird. Sure people have bad days, ive certainly had very bad days (nothing to do with BB). But so what, good day and bad days - cant blame anyone for having either.

The best i can do here really, is to challenge anyone and everyone murder me on the pitch, get something out of it and show i still think the same way of that person as before.

"iippo the Pinata"

It maybe damned stupid plan, but anyways, its the only one i could come up with.

(also instead of gog game, i have bunch of random steam bundle keys if one of those is more attactive!)
mefet: Kamica told me that his schedule is pretty tight this week, and with her team in bad shape, will speak with Piranjade about giving me an autowin for this week.
iippo: Well, you still have monday and tuesday - but post here/let any admin know before tuesday midnight or so.
She seemed to have problems also wih me playing dwarves and not wanting to risk her team.
iippo: Well, you still have monday and tuesday - but post here/let any admin know before tuesday midnight or so.
mefet: She seemed to have problems also wih me playing dwarves and not wanting to risk her team.
Well, they -are- rather formidable ;)

ill set the default 0-1 later if the match remains unplayed.
iippo: Well, you still have monday and tuesday - but post here/let any admin know before tuesday midnight or so.
mefet: She seemed to have problems also wih me playing dwarves and not wanting to risk her team.
Why is no one ever afraid of my wood elves? What am I doing wrong? ;)
Just one thing I'd like to add to this whole foul or not discussion.

With E_A in the lead 2-1 and me on the touchdown line with three turns left has anyone a better suggestion how to win the game?
With a team like mine all that comes to mind is to level the playing field and even then cross fingers how to do it in 3 turns as there are no pass or catch skills on the team.

Plus, with the next kick off there would be 2+ players in the way of ST5 and 4 players with Mighty Blow or Claw.
You can only guess the outcome of that again...

And please don't say it isn't about winning, while you can have fun just playing, the objective of any game is to actually win.