Posted January 20, 2014

YMMV and all.
Failure and losing is integral part of this game. Absolute the core of it. Sure it can be frustrating - but that frustration is much easier to deal with when you know that failure in general is inevitable in this game. No-one and nothing is invulnerable.
I am sorry if i somehow insulted you or something - you commenting on the lines of "I dont need this shit in my games" was just kinda harsh to me.
..So high level chaos kicked your team, you lost couple players, the fouled you and you gave up the match. Totally absolutely understandably and i dont see anything wrong about that or the really the fouling either. ...But so what? Its not really big deal is it?
Suppose its just me again, but i kinda fail to see whats the big deal about losing matches, players, rolls or anything else in BloodBowl. Its not -really- serious is it? I mean i have serious trouble trying to think up something that would be -less- serious than any result of BB match.
You play for fun and if the match goes totally bonkers and you feel too down, then just forfeit. Nothing to be shamed about that really. Everyone has ups and downs. Its just natural afterall.
Yeah, i understand the feeling on getting totally walked over in BB - that has happened to me more than once or twice during this league. But it also has never ever made me really get angry at any couch for whatever they did to me on the pitch. If they play to win big time and i get the short stick - so what? Next week, new match and new chances fail. For everyone.
It really is just a game after all and none of us even gets paid for being good at it. ...then again, who knows there might be some sweet prize games at the prize pool...
But seriously, E_A, i hope i didnt piss you off or something - i honestly did want to or mean to do anything like that with any of the comments.

Seriously - maybe we have to make up some sideshow to extract quick revenge on our opponents :D
Post edited January 20, 2014 by iippo