Hawk52: We're Americans. We're fat and we're not used to losing. It's the American Way.
I resent that statement.
Signed, the winless American.
But, in all seriousness, yes, I have on numerous occasions contemplated leaving the league. And I would also be lying if I said I still wasn't, truth be told.
I've had so much going on in my real life that I don't have the focus I want while playing this league.
Let me tell you all a little story about why I started playing Blood Bowl.
Back in May, my pet cat was diagnosed with a tumor--orthotic carcinoma. It was degenerating the bone in his leg. So, my parents made the decision to have his leg amputated, as the chance for return was slim. The surgery wasn't cheap, but they could afford it--but that cat had earlier brought me out of a very rough place--he was the light that brought me from the darkness.
I felt compelled to do my part, and that's when the Groupees tournament--my first Blood Bowl experience--happened. $500 prize would pay a good portion of the surgery. So I entered in the hopes of being chosen and getting the grand prize--to help save my cat.
I failed.
But I decided at that point to see if it was just a fluke. If I really was able to play well. So I joined this league, and last season went well by most measures. Disappointing to fall just short at the end, but after doing it twice, I was convinced the talent was there. But then shortly before this season began, the cancer returned to the cat and three weeks later, he was put to sleep.
On top of the seemingly endless medical issues my family faced over the year, my cat passed in October. My family's gone through 3 surgeries since the beginning of this season, and tomorrow, a 4th is going in. Two more are slated for the beginning of next year.
Physically, mentally and emotionally, I'm just wiped out. I have no will left to compete. I'm trying to tough through the season, but honestly--don't be surprised if I call it quits at some point.