Piranjade: Poor Shane. And this must be so hard for his family and friends. :-(
Hopefully they give him a little more time to see if he recovers brain functions. 70 hours seems to be so little time.
Same age as me :/
All sort of brain damage is sort of unpredictable. Some remain in vegetative state for the rest of their life while some recuperate close to 100% - some stay in coma or vegetative like state for months/years and just suddenly wake up.
I certainly dont qualify in that field, but from what ive read, it seems that sort of thing goes really unpredictably from one extreme to the other.
From what i read the news, it seems the situation can still go both ways - fingers crossed he will pullthrough it.
To Hawk, i suppose this can be seen in two ways - but wouldnt it be more fitting to try to make your Shane the best player in his RL-stead rather than "name trophy"? By no mean i dont mean any disrespect, but personally atleast id rather appreciate that I got the chance to be active "on the pitch" instead of keepsake name.
You know you have to field him anyways on the pitch, when you run under 12 healthy players.