iippo: The poll said 4 for dwarfs and 2 for beerboys -> underdog He-Man pants won \o/
All people always say that Norse are glass cannons and dwarves never get injured. My personell experience: The first player hurt in most matches is an armor 9 dwarf, not a armor 7 elve or a norse player. And I seldom seriously injure anyone, I just send them to sleep to stand up again.
As I said, I'd like to see the statistics E_A sometimes makes with his tool. If you find the time please send me the results, E_A ;-).
arnob8911: After a lousy start (getting a blitz against and failed to pick up the ball twice), i managed to turn the tides in the first half with a 1-0. Second half Stampede managed to keep hold of the ball and score in turn 16. 1-1.
Overtime was heavily in my favor, still had a reroll left (although both of us got an extra one on the kickoff event) and with me on the drive i had a definite advantage. Finally scoring in turn 23, making me the lucky winner.
The replay you can find here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/48ksji7zxw652p9/Weekly_S2_QuarterFinals_Stampede-Arnob8911.db Ps im glad the watchers enjoyed it :)
Yeah I made the same mistake that lost me the other two matches this season in the first half of that game again. After an unbelievable good start for my team I got overconfident with my ballcarrier, thought you can not reach him and BAM, from somewhere there is a player with a blitz which I did not account for. The same thing happened to me in two matches before, both I lost....
I never learn