iippo: So my thoughts on the yesterdays dwarf vs vamps match Mostly very "dwarf-cagey" -match, but ended up pretty lucky for me.
First half i got to receive and rushed myself - overextending my position and then stupidly tried to pick up the ball beside sideline. Well, few vamps got bashed there and the rest got outrun(!) by dwarfs. The lone vamp that could have catched up failed his dodges like two or even three rounds straight.
All in all, despite somewhat promising start - the first half ended up the perfect 8turn 1-0 dwarf grind.
Second half didnt start too well for me, Aningan did super solid dwarf cage i had no business breaking, hypno or not. getting through all that block and guard just aint easy. Anyhow - somehow i managed to squeeze the cage enough to make Aningan half-break the cage and run for TD..which somehow i managed to foil by blitzing the ball carrier. Ball went over sidelines and bounced back waaay behind most of the dwarfs. Two vampsters were close by to pick up the ball and run TD. Didnt even roll BL, rare. So 1-1.
My 2-1 TD was done on turn 16, result of the ball being kicked well behind and me getting chance to intercept the runners. I think Aningan may have been out of rerolls and throw red skulls on LoS or something. Anyhow, once again - the 2-1 was pure nuffle. On his last turn Aningans ball carrier tried to blitz himself free i think, but got skulls for his trouble, leaving the ball at the mercy of my vampster and thrall.
Got one more pro-vamp now and dwaf-wannabe thrall with mv 4...dunno why he didnt try to emulate the bashy part of dwarfs :S
Oh and the second vampire mvp during all these 13 matches! :D
The problem was I tried to play a more involved game and I broke the cage. I could have just grinded your team slowly and defended my advantage. Playing dwarfs in non-dwarf way is stupid. That will teach me.
And at the end... yeah, I ran out of re-rolls. You should have heard me cursing when I got that damn skull on the last turn trying to blitz away... I was actually considering getting Leader on one of my current level-ups but then I though I'll just buy another re-roll, got plenty of cash anyway.