cheongzewei: a real boring game this time
get hurt kickers won against the cows with a 1-0 score.
many failed dodges, many pushed blocks, many blitz.
turn 12/13/14/15 had me and werecrow switching the controller of the ball. I blitz, he blitz, i blitz.
So many rolls of 1 for me
here's the replay NEXT WEEK! I go against ROD! how will I ever stop that 9 ma sprint sure feet skink? Only one way to find out...
I don't understand how you could be complaining about the luck in your game. It rather was the baffeling frailety of my Chaos(!!!) team that put me on a considerably disadvantage early on (as in suffering 2 casualties in the second turn) and of course rolling 1s on my Double Headed ball stealer dodges.
You on the other hand managed to pass most dodges and usually get yourself in a position which made it impossible for me to get anywhere with the ball. You played it well and slightly risky but it worked out in the end.
I'm sorry but me and this team is kind of done for this season. Im still having to face some strong opponents and I have no idea how my team is going to be able to get anything done. No one of my players has earned any SPPs these past few matches, usually because they are crushed into ity bitsy little pieces.
And they are CHAOS for Khornes sake!
Sorry for the rant but this season just isn't really fun to me anymore. I am aware that I should have skilled my team differently but I am still simply amazed that one of the sturdiest teams in the game is getting picked apart like this and I am unable to accomplish anything. I'm not even blaming the dicegods here, it simply doesnt go into my mind what is happening...