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hopefully Rod isn't that pissed of my newbie-talking during the match. ^^"

What shall I say. Mighty Haegr was at his best. Not a single Bonehead the entire game. That alone nearly blew me away.

Lucky me his stalling was punished both the 1st and the 2nd half. The MNG on the Kroxi was sadly self-inflicted. Lucky me... again. ^^"

Also I am very relieved that none of my player died besides the fact, that I waisted 2 apos for nothing. :(

Rods fouling didn't do me any harm - at least in short terms. But I have the feeling, I do need another Catcher as fast as I can.

I had the ball first half but I made the mistake and passed the damn thing in the hands of a player without Block. That was just nuts. 2nd Half I could get my hands on his ball-carrier.

All in all I feared this match a lot. Losing with only 2 TD - yeah I can live with that. ^^
Post edited August 30, 2013 by chaos_panda
chaos_panda: All in all I feared this match a lot. Losing with only 2 TD - yeah I can live with that. ^^
When I can neither deliver a hit, or survive one, what is there to fear?

Oh, I'm sorry for getting bad tempered in the chat.
Frustration was taking it's toll, but it was still out of line.
Post edited August 30, 2013 by Rodzaju
chaos_panda: All in all I feared this match a lot. Losing with only 2 TD - yeah I can live with that. ^^
Rodzaju: When I can neither deliver a hit, or survive one, what is there to fear?
I have to admit, I thought before that match started, your Saurus would just crush my team on sight. You have to understand, for instance my Ogre Haegr just seems to love falling first turn during the mafority of my last matches. As I said, his performance alone was just unbelievable for me. ^^"

Oh, I'm sorry for getting bad tempered in the chat.
Frustration was taking it's toll, but it was still out of line.
Maybe, but I too wrote at least one or two provoking lines. Sry from my side for that, too.

I just can't warm up with that fouling/stalling-thing. And I now regarding most of the play itself (beside the last turn each half) it can be crucial for the game. As I said to you in the chat, I don't know if a ever get used to that. ^^"
Post edited August 30, 2013 by chaos_panda
What's been really driving me nuts:

You spend a while developing a team & a reputation.
With a big team, people expect big wins.
I would expect that, with a well developed team, games should get easier, bloodier, whatever.

What I'm seeing is, the better my team, the worse my dice.
I'm having to work my ass off just to get mediocre results.
I have block, tackle, high strength & mighty blow, but struggle to cause any casualties.
I have high armour or dodge on all my players, but they still fall apart easilly and repeatedly.

When I'm constantly outnumbered it is a real fight to get anywhere.
But WHY am I constantly outnumbered when I should be able to outfight most teams out there?
Those that should be able to give me a run for my money in a fight should be slow enough that I can run rings round them.

But nuffle says no....
Rodzaju: But nuffle says no....
I think Nuffle has decided that your dominance in our league has developed far enough to provide you with some additional challenge. He just doesn't want you to be bored. ;)
I think it's a sign from Nuffle saying that you should start a new team next season. *nods*
Piranjade: *nods*
I think it's a sign from Nuffle saying that you should start a new team next season. *nods*
I'm seriously considering it.....
kanarek: Wheredemons (r14/p1 Necro, 0-1-8) vs Anti-Anemia Alliance (r3/p19 Vampires, 6-1-2 )
Two unholy forces are going to play against each other. Hopefully alliance stocked-up on blood packages as it is not possible to suck blood out of zombies, skeletons and ghouls. Vampires are heavily favored in this game, but we think that sure-hand skill on ghoul will bring the blessing to Necro team. 2-2 tie
The necromantic demons just faced the chaos-wannabe vampires...and the game ended 2-1 for the V-team.

Quite exciting match actually. Lots of stuff happening.

I suffered 6 CAS: -1AV (got AV5 thrall now) and two MNG's. Luckily CAS'es i suffered were thralls.

m0rt3k suffered 2 CAS...and 3 deaths. Somehow, without any particular intention 1 ghoul and 2 zombies (ag3 Zomb) ended up more dead than when they arrived on the pitch. As bit of condolence he DID get +ST for his werewolf and levelups for wight & flesh golem as well.

As to the match itself, i think i received the kickoff and managed to score pretty traditional vamp running goal on turn4 or so. Despite lots of fumbling i also managed to defend the first half, even got my hands on the ball but just was few squares to slow. (lazy vampires, i want 100 laps around the pitch go-go-go!)

Second half turned into a big slugfest - at times it seemed like i could get hold of the ball, then m0rtr3k and then me again. After lots of pushing and pulling he managed to squeeze himself close to doing TD - i moved free thrall next to him and then blitzed with the vamp. didnt work out and for some reason i pushed him in to better position to dodge away from me ...and as icing on the cake, i pressed end turn witout moving anyone. i have no idea why.

m0rt3k then ofcourse manage to dodge and TD on turn14.

Thus i was left 2 turns time to score 2-1, which i somehow managed to pull of despite defender blitz result on kick off. I think m0rtr3k got red skulls. Actually he got those quite few times in first half as well. Anyhow - for whatever reason, nuffle smiled on me and i managed quite few GFI's, BloodLust checks, a dodge and even handoff without any rerolls or thralls to feed on or rerols. I got really lucky there at the end.

Well played m0rt3k! I think you put too many players on the line of scrimmage at the kickoff - if you had deployed them more deep on your own side, i think it would have been more difficult for me to score the winning TD. But i think youre getting there!

Bit attention to blocking order (2dice blocks and players who have block skills always block first!) and thought into player positioning on kickoff and youll be getting on winning streak sooner than later! Also before any blocks, remember to do all the "regular moving" first. There were few times when you could and should have moved the zombies, well anywhere - but you blocked and got red skulls -> thus the players were just standing useless (for you) on my turn.

A close and exciting match!

Replay can be found at google drive as usual.


Piranjade: *nods*
I think it's a sign from Nuffle saying that you should start a new team next season. *nods*
Rodzaju: I'm seriously considering it.....

just like the lizards, they have lots of ST2, AG3, stunty and dodge! Youll feel right at home :)
Post edited August 30, 2013 by iippo
This discussion has made me curious

For you returning teams out there, how many of you are actually considering returning your team for a third season?
rcthedigitalhero: This discussion has made me curious

For you returning teams out there, how many of you are actually considering returning your team for a third season?
I think I need a change. Underworld is wonderful and I don't rule them out completely but really I'd like to play a different team.
There are several teams that I'm considering but I'll have a look at which teams we have in the league for season 3 before I make a final decision.
rcthedigitalhero: This discussion has made me curious

For you returning teams out there, how many of you are actually considering returning your team for a third season?
kinda 50/50 atm. i havent skilled the vamp team to proper 5vamp team i wanted to try out originally so we'll see later.
rcthedigitalhero: This discussion has made me curious

For you returning teams out there, how many of you are actually considering returning your team for a third season?
Despite the fact that I am not having any luck with the Chaos team I chose admittedly at random, I am going to stick with them as I think the challenge of building up a potentially successful Chaos team will educate me more as far as Blood Bowl is concerned.
The match between DodoGeo and I went as expected when pairing up a rookie Chaos team with one that's highly leveled.

I still need to get my team buffed up some before I can even consider thinking about winning a match because right now there's just no chance.

Good game, DodoGeo :)
The match between the Red Spiky Team and the Rioting Punks just ended in 3-0 for the Spiky ones.

As most Chaos matches this one also spiralled down into total chaos with players kicking and punching each other really fast. A violent match not for the faint of heart.
The end result was Judas with 2 standing players at the end of the game. The Rioting punks really lived up to their name fouling left and right.

The biggest scare was having my level 4 minotaur killed, luckly the apo came through and he got off with only a gauged eye.
The game between Get hurt vs Scarlet Shadows have been played and passed
Final score :2-0 for my team.
It would have been 3-0 But I forgot to move my player at the end. What can I say? The team spirit got to me. They cried out for dark elf blood. I gave the go ahead.

To sum the match Mystral/Macros rolled very, very VERY well for almost all his dodges.. but he failed one pass, the most critical pass on the game on turn 7 allowing me to score an easy touch down. If the pass succeeded, it would have been a 1-1 draw.

Almost got my guard lineman elf killed. But nurgle favored my elf, and he survived with just a plain badly hurt.

I honestly don't get dump off. Sure, it's the most annoying skill.... but you don't cage push with elves... you just don't.. It'll never work.

My team played phonemically this game. For the third game in a row, 1st blitz = badly hurt. turn 8 (mine) a twin bladly hurt.

Tabellaon Leon got his fair share of blood today. Foul on turn 9, KO! Foul on turn 10, Badly hurt! Foul on turn 14! Badly hurt! (4+6+1... it was very, very close to death) Foul on turn 15! nothing happened... Foul on turn 16, Ko!

And that's all for my report.


NEXT WEEK! 12 elves vs 14 chaos!

The get hurt kickers go against a PoCB MInotaur! Will there be deaths? Will there be injuries? With 9 AV, will Leon be able to hurt the Minotaur?
Post edited August 31, 2013 by cheongzewei