GoG Weekly Season 2, Div 2, Match Day 10
This round will bring us several very closed matchs. The second division organized itself into 3 tiers, with one black horse. Will we see important shift in the rankings? Probably not, but there will be intense games between the middle tier and teams at the “bottom” of the leading group. Points, points, points, this round is all about points. None of the play-off spots is secured, but 3rd and 4th can change its owners easily.
Wheredemons (r14/p1 Necro, 0-1-8) vs Anti-Anemia Alliance (r3/p19 Vampires, 6-1-2 )
Two unholy forces are going to play against each other. Hopefully alliance stocked-up on blood packages as it is not possible to suck blood out of zombies, skeletons and ghouls. Vampires are heavily favored in this game, but we think that sure-hand skill on ghoul will bring the blessing to Necro team. 2-2 tie
Red Lantern (r5/p16 Dwarves, 5-1-3 ) vs Twisted Elves (r13/p2 WoodE 0-2-7)
The never-ending story, dwarves versus tree hungers, is spiced today by the vision of play-off. Even thick-skulled dwarves undestand the importance of winning this match. It will be a sad day for twisted elves, with twisted necks, but beer is bi(e)tter after few yards with the ball. GO Snowhite. 2-0 for Red Lanter.
Misfits (r12/p9 Underworld, 3-0-6) vs Talking Dead (r11/p9 Necro, 2-3-4)
The first of the close match is here. Who will win? Cunning, but fragile mutated goblins or never stopping relentless necromants? No tackle and only one ghoul gives advantage to Misfits. Few tossed warpstones and victory is here. Misfits by 2 TD.
Big & heavy fists (r10/p12 Ogre, 4-0-5) vs The Armored Seagulls (r6/p14 Human, 4-2-3)
Ogres are annoyed and angry and with a bad memory. They will not be beaten by the humans again. Who cares, that they faced totally different team yesterday. They stocked-up snots and are ready to bash. Games are of course win by scoring touchdowns and Seagulls are not only armored, but super fast. Have you seen Anton Krowe? The super blitzer? He is the star and many elven teams are searching for a good looking babe to marry him, so he can legaly became half-elf and joined elven team. Seagulls will win by 1 TD and I am not going to talk about injuries.
Nagarythe Decadence (r9/p12 DarkE, 4-0-5) vs We are not fluffy birds (r2/p22 Human, 7-1-1)
The black horse will challenge one of the leading team of the divison. Under the normal circumstances darkies would loose hard and fast, but Fluffies suffered a terrible loss. Their leader and lucky charm died in the last match. Still this team is very dangerous and skilled with tackle. If they will not be victorious the pitch will be flooded with elven blood. 2-1 to humans
Scream of Frogs(r7/p13 Lizzards, 4-1-4) vs Natural Disaster (r8/p13 WoodE, 4-1-4)
Points, points, points. Here we go again. Not a single point or match statistic difference between those two teams. Not even on closer luck, both teams are prime examples of running game. But hey, have you ever heard of a slow adult skink? No? Me neither. As Naturalists are scared to pass victory will go to Frogs. 3-1
Hamburg Hammerfists (r18/p22 Dwarves, 7-1-1) vs Nurgle Lymphocytes (r4/p18 Nurgle, 6-0-3)
This will be the bashing match of the century. Both teams are simple superb and stubborn beyond measure. Armor, claws, mighty muscles and determination to kill. We will even see the deathroller on the pitch. I cannot wait to see this match. Dont't forget to turn your cabal-vision on, so you can see the fastest dwarf alive dodge and run away from mutated paladins of the Nurgle. Dwarves will win, but there will be also a dead beardy-thing. 2-1
Post edited August 28, 2013 by kanarek