Expanded thoughts incoming...now.
The Armored Seagulls emerge victorious after a 2-0 victory against the Misfits.
That was one of the most intense games of BB I've ever played, but it was a great way to end the winless streak I've been on over the last month.
Piran played an excellent game that the dice decided to stop a few times when she had some serious momentum on her side. I count this win as a very fortunate one.
Key to making this game go in my favor were two things:
1. A HUGE interception from Anton Krowe that stopped the drive of the Misfits in the first half and turned into a TD for our thrower Valt Tiel.
2. Sweltering Heat. It made things equal in the 2nd half as the game was a 9-on-9 affair with many important Skavens down for the drive. After crunching down in our own zone for a while, a well-placed throw-in gave us new life and an eventual 2nd TD.
Piran's apothecary tried killing one of her Skaven Blitzers, but she had to settle with a -AV injury. Two more injuries done to the Misfits were badly hurt, thus having no longer-term injuries than just the -AV shot.
Two level-ups for the Armored Seagulls resulted in Tiel learning Block and a 2nd stat up for Krowe. Our Blitzer now rocks not just +AG, but +MA as well.
I was very fortunate to get some of the rolls that I did and additionally, I was able to dodge any serious injury for the day.
This is something we fear immensely going into the next week, as The Armored Seagulls continue their gauntlet run by playing the Big and heavy fists.
This should prove to be an interesting game, should we not get pounded into the floor.
Replay here: