GoG Weekly Match Day 7, Division 1 tips
What I have seen in the cooking pot, do you ask young coach? So stay a while and listen..
Custodians (Human 3-1-2) vs MooMooCows (Chaos 4-1-1)
There is only one thing better for cold than a chicken soup. Soup made from human leg bone. Grab your money and get your cart. This match will end hopes for play-off for the Custodians, but you can celebrate the chaos victory with barbeque and bone soup, ingredients will be cheap. MooMooCows by 2 TDs.
Red Spiky Team (Chaos 1-0-5) vs The Busty Bruisers (Zons 4-0-2)
That is B, that is R, that is E, that is A, that is a Touchdown!! Girls will have few bruises, but they are used to it. Maybe they will even have some little goat after nine months. But they will have the victory. Busty Bit..c..h..e..s will win 2-1.
The Anvil of Ice (Norse 3-1-2) vs DinoSaurus (Lizard 6-0-0)
Hey! Some frog is swimming in my tankard! Get it out..what? You want a tip for this match? Seriously? Yea, yea, that was last season. DinoSaurus by 3 TDs and one MNG injury.
Shadow Plague (Skaven 0-3-3) vs Rioting Punks (Chaos 0-0-6)
This match will be boring, no-one knows what to expect from Punks and Skavens have not stopped squabbling yet. Goat cheese and fried rat tails recommended. Plague will have much needed first victory by 2TDs.
Scarlet Shadows (DarkE 1-1-4) vs Greedy Grinders (ChaDwarf 4-1-1)
Nuffle do not like dark elves, that is clear. Grinders will set the tempo for this match, even without skilled bull centaur. They will win and BC will have its level. 2-0 for Grinders
Systematic Chaos (Chaos 1-4-1) vs The Time-Travel Paradox (Flings 0-0-6)
|Chaos masters of the drawn will challenge flings champions. Don't worry folks, only the totally full halflings will be harmed. My family is already preparing the breakfast, the snack, the second snack, the lunch, the snack, the second lunch, the snack, the triple dinner for the match day. Chaos will win, but Travelers will eat. 3-0
Raging Pink Lizards (Lizard 3-2-1) vs Get Hurt Kickers (ProE 3-3-0)
Probably the most spectacular match of this round. Is RazzleDazzle fast enough to outrun the long pass of the Kickers? We will know soon enough. Two tackle blitzers means two TDs for Kickers, 1 super fast skink and 2saurus with block means..who cares. 3-2 for Kickers.
P.S. Tips are without any guarantee. I have no idea what is going on in the first division. With the exception of Rod´s dominance. Enjoy guys!